Mike and Michelle found a house to rent that has a mother-in-law behind it. This is quite common here in California. So I will inhabit the mother-in-law apartment. Diane was quite upset but fortunately she found another renter right a way. I have spent today going through my stuff. It is amazing how much you accumulate in just a few months. I went through my closet and got rid of the clothes that no longer fit because I have lost weight. That feels good by the way. The weight loss is going slower but I am still losing. My goal is to be unrecognizable by the class reunion.
I have been in training for my new position at work. It is a lot of details to learn but having worked in conjunction with this position I have an advantage over a new hire.
This weekend passed with out a date. I kind of expected my friend from last weekend to call. But he didn't but he did send an email mentioning it had been 8 days since he saw me. I am not sure what he meant by that. This dating thing is so weird. I am not sure if I was supposed to call him to arrange a date. Does that mean I pay? The last time I dated was before marriage and the boy still paid. I guess I will wait and see. Maybe I should rename my blog Still Single in Burbank.
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Nigerian Dating Scams
As I noted in my last blog I experienced the Nigerian Dating Scam that has been featured on Oprah. After the "Irish" Nigerian who wanted me to send him 5K, another fellow and I exchanged emails. He said he was a 66 year single dad and lived in California. Again his emails seemed disjointed so after the first few I received I stopped emailing him back. A couple of days later I received a bouquet of 50 red roses and a teddy bear delivered to my job. The card threw me for a loop. The guy professed his undying love. I had told him in my first couple of emails where I worked. (not so smart). Suddenly I thought I had a crazy stalker and was real glad he didn't have my home address or phone number. I emailed him that evening and told him I wasn't impressed and he needed to stop. I actually was a little scared he might show up after work so I took several precautions. Mike, Michelle, Brooklyn, Maddie and I went to Sacramento for the holiday and that Friday when I returned to work I received another even bigger bouquet, a teddy bear and a box of chocolates.(Where is forrest Gump when you need him) When I got home that night I started thinking about Nigerian scams and googled it and found a website dedicated to Nigerian Dating Scams. It seems they go into dating sites, put pictures they have stolen off of the Internet and post profiles of people that seem quite genuine. When they don't have any luck "hooking" the man or women they are trying to scam they start sending flowers purchased with stolen credit cards. The person sending me the flowers was actually text book in how the scam works. Unfortunately he didn't realize he was dealing with someone who was neither desperate, lonely or stupid to send money or fall for their scam. I called the flower company and said I understood they could not tell me who sent the flowers but I told them I thought they were paid for with a stolen credit card. I "suggested" they check because I felt there would be a third order placed. She checked and said I was right it was done with a stolen credit cards.
From my research on the web I learned that in the last 90 days men and women from the US have sent over a million dollars to Nigerians whom they think they are in love with. I spent the better part of Sunday reading the saddest emails from people who have been scammed. It is hard to understand why someone would fall for the scams but they do. I followed the instructions on the website sending them the email address of this person, and blocked them from being able to communicate with me and reporting the incident on an FBI website for this particular problem. I also reported them to the dating web site so they pulled their profile and I pulled mine. I am not going to use this website again although I know what to look for.
I did meet a very nice man and we lunch this week and then dinner on Friday night. He is 72 years old and very involved in the Episcopalian Church. He is very nice and unfortunately we have something in common. He lost his only child to cancer ten years ago. When we had dinner he brought a poem he had written when his son died and it reminded me so much of the poem I wrote when Mary Etta died. He is very close to his daughter in law who has never re-married and his twin grandchildren so he isn't alone alone. But seeing the sad desperation in someones eyes who has lost a child makes you wish you didn't have this in common. No matter how long it has been you recognize the pain. I don't know if he will call me again but I enjoyed meeting him.
So I know there are good men out there I just need to hone my skills in reading their initial emails to weed out the scammers.
As I mentioned above we went to Sacramento for Thanksgiving and it was wonderful but too short. The highlight was seeing Brooklyn meet her Uncle Isaac. It was the most poignant moment. Brooklyn looked into his eyes like she was imprinting him on her soul and vice versus. You can see this moment on http://fieldsfamilywebsite.web.officelive.com/Brooklyn.aspx . I don't think I have ever seen this kind of a moment before and we all saw it. It was as if she knew him. It was a Kodak moment and thank goodness Michelle took a picture.
Another exciting bit of news. I was offered a promotion at work. And after careful consideration I accepted. It is more money and a lot more work but I think it is the first step to the position I want that will bring me back to Oregon in a few years. I work closely with this position that is located in our field offices and I don't think for the most part it is being done very well and I think I can not only do it but set a model for the rest of the field offices. In part from my experience at Xerox/Tektronix. I didn't think I was really interested in another career but apparently I was wrong. My competitive nature seems to take control. After I was offered the position I knew I couldn't reject it and see someone else get the position. Of course I felt honored being asked because I am truly the one with the least seniority but I think I have the best experience for the position and apparently my manager and the VP thought so too.
Well it is time to get on with my day,
Love to you and yours,
From my research on the web I learned that in the last 90 days men and women from the US have sent over a million dollars to Nigerians whom they think they are in love with. I spent the better part of Sunday reading the saddest emails from people who have been scammed. It is hard to understand why someone would fall for the scams but they do. I followed the instructions on the website sending them the email address of this person, and blocked them from being able to communicate with me and reporting the incident on an FBI website for this particular problem. I also reported them to the dating web site so they pulled their profile and I pulled mine. I am not going to use this website again although I know what to look for.
I did meet a very nice man and we lunch this week and then dinner on Friday night. He is 72 years old and very involved in the Episcopalian Church. He is very nice and unfortunately we have something in common. He lost his only child to cancer ten years ago. When we had dinner he brought a poem he had written when his son died and it reminded me so much of the poem I wrote when Mary Etta died. He is very close to his daughter in law who has never re-married and his twin grandchildren so he isn't alone alone. But seeing the sad desperation in someones eyes who has lost a child makes you wish you didn't have this in common. No matter how long it has been you recognize the pain. I don't know if he will call me again but I enjoyed meeting him.
So I know there are good men out there I just need to hone my skills in reading their initial emails to weed out the scammers.
As I mentioned above we went to Sacramento for Thanksgiving and it was wonderful but too short. The highlight was seeing Brooklyn meet her Uncle Isaac. It was the most poignant moment. Brooklyn looked into his eyes like she was imprinting him on her soul and vice versus. You can see this moment on http://fieldsfamilywebsite.web.officelive.com/Brooklyn.aspx . I don't think I have ever seen this kind of a moment before and we all saw it. It was as if she knew him. It was a Kodak moment and thank goodness Michelle took a picture.
Another exciting bit of news. I was offered a promotion at work. And after careful consideration I accepted. It is more money and a lot more work but I think it is the first step to the position I want that will bring me back to Oregon in a few years. I work closely with this position that is located in our field offices and I don't think for the most part it is being done very well and I think I can not only do it but set a model for the rest of the field offices. In part from my experience at Xerox/Tektronix. I didn't think I was really interested in another career but apparently I was wrong. My competitive nature seems to take control. After I was offered the position I knew I couldn't reject it and see someone else get the position. Of course I felt honored being asked because I am truly the one with the least seniority but I think I have the best experience for the position and apparently my manager and the VP thought so too.
Well it is time to get on with my day,
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Dateless in Burbank
I spent this last week much as I did the week before. Nothing really new and the dating scene is pretty nonexistent. I did have a really strange experience. I have been emailing a gentleman from Georgia who said he was from Ireland and new to this country. His emails were a bit odd as he seemed to rattle on rather like he was copying from a relationship book. I even commented on it. It was like he didn't even read my emails. He told me a couple of weeks ago that he had to go back to the UK because he won a bid on building some sort of project. He continued to send rather strange emails and yesterday I got the clincher. He said there had been a piece of equipment stolen and could I loan him $5000 dollars to replace it. I didn't answer and then reported him to the dating web site as a scammer. They immediately pulled his ad. I got a little curious and spent Saturday night (because I have no dates and a lot of time on my hands)looking on some other dating web sites and found him on another under a different user name. He was ignorant enough to put a picture. I reported him and sent a copy of the email and they pulled his ad. I actually don't think it was an actual person. I think it was something like the Nigerian scam that occasionally turn up in your email. I find it hard to believe that anyone falls for that but I read about the women in Sweet Home that lost everything to a Nigerian scam. I decided that reporting him to the web sites wasn't enough so I emailed yahoo so they could monitor his email or something. They are investigating. I am sure there are a lot of guys out there like that but it is hard to imagine anyone being gullible enough to send anyone money or anything else for that matter.
I still feel meeting someone on line is safe if you use common sense. I email a couple of guys and have developed quite a friendship with one. Since he is across the US I will never meet him but it is fun to get acquainted that way.
I spent the day with Brooklyn, Mikey and Michelle. She is so much fun and so adorable. She is so advanced for her age. One of the new things is she gives kisses. Jaclyn called Saturday and told me she was student of the month and tried to sound so blase about it. Abyah turned 8 Saturday with a pizza party with friends. I have been asking her what she wants for her birthday since we will celebrate it when we go up for Thanksgiving and she finally decided she wants a game for the WII called WII Cheer. I looked it up and seems to be a great game, more exercise then game.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends,
Love to you and yours,
I still feel meeting someone on line is safe if you use common sense. I email a couple of guys and have developed quite a friendship with one. Since he is across the US I will never meet him but it is fun to get acquainted that way.
I spent the day with Brooklyn, Mikey and Michelle. She is so much fun and so adorable. She is so advanced for her age. One of the new things is she gives kisses. Jaclyn called Saturday and told me she was student of the month and tried to sound so blase about it. Abyah turned 8 Saturday with a pizza party with friends. I have been asking her what she wants for her birthday since we will celebrate it when we go up for Thanksgiving and she finally decided she wants a game for the WII called WII Cheer. I looked it up and seems to be a great game, more exercise then game.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends,
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Fortunately we are far enough from the fires that we are in no danger but the air quality is horrible. I have not been able to walk for two days now. I learned after the last fire that was at the studio where old film was burned that you have to stay inside and run the air conditioner to avoid smoke inhalation. If you all remember I ended out in the hospital over night getting inhalation therapy for my asthma.
Yesterday I was driving to my dentist and could see the smoke billowing over the hills. So many people have lost their home and apartments. Of course most people who had homes had insurance but most people don't have renters insurance and will out of luck. Landlords only replace the building not the renter's personal contents. If only California could get some good old Oregon rain.
We did have a week of cloudy rainy days and if you can believe it or not I missed the sunshine. Pray that I am not turning into a Californian. I guess I better get my Birkenstocks out and wear them for a few days to remind myself that I AM AN OREGONIAN!
I haven't done much for the past few weeks. I have spent quite a bit of time at Mike and Michelle's playing with Brooklyn who now LOVES her Nana. In fact I am going over for lunch in a bit. Brooklyn is just so adorable. Her latest is watching Maddie and giggling at her. It is the cutest. Because she is using her hands so much when Maddie reaches down Brooklyn pokes her in the eyes and pulls on the skin on her face and Maddie just licks her.
Mike, Michelle, Brooklyn and I are driving up the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to spend the day with Isaac and family. I hope that Andy is flying in too. We will have to drive back Thanksgiving evening but at least we will be together for Thanksgiving. Christmas Mike, Michelle and Brooklyn are flying home to Minnesota to spend a week with the her family and I know her family can hardly wait to see Brooklyn. I will have to work the day after Christmas so I will spend Christmas here with Diane's family. It will be a big Italian Christmas which will include singing around the piano. I think it will be a lot of fun.
Halloween at Aramark was an event. Most people dressed up and they put so much pressure on me to dress up the night before Halloween I scrambled to get a costume. I stopped at Rite-Aid and wandered around looking for inspiration when I spotted a package of the small individual packs of cereal and got inspired. I took the boxes and used tape and stuck them on a shirt with plastic knives sticking out of them and dripped red on a the shirt and said I was a cereal killer. I didn't win any prizes but got a lot of laughs. Of course being so close to Hollywood there were amazing costumes but hey anyone can dress as Moses. It was great fun and I have put on my think cap for next year. Any suggestions?
I am still trying to figure out Senior Dating. Last night I was IM one fellow, emailing another and texting yet another all at the same time. It was hilarious and I realized I didn't care if I met any of them. It was just great fun flirting with them. More on this subject later.
Have to run to rescue Brooklyn from her parents so we can have some fun.
Love to you and yours,
Yesterday I was driving to my dentist and could see the smoke billowing over the hills. So many people have lost their home and apartments. Of course most people who had homes had insurance but most people don't have renters insurance and will out of luck. Landlords only replace the building not the renter's personal contents. If only California could get some good old Oregon rain.
We did have a week of cloudy rainy days and if you can believe it or not I missed the sunshine. Pray that I am not turning into a Californian. I guess I better get my Birkenstocks out and wear them for a few days to remind myself that I AM AN OREGONIAN!
I haven't done much for the past few weeks. I have spent quite a bit of time at Mike and Michelle's playing with Brooklyn who now LOVES her Nana. In fact I am going over for lunch in a bit. Brooklyn is just so adorable. Her latest is watching Maddie and giggling at her. It is the cutest. Because she is using her hands so much when Maddie reaches down Brooklyn pokes her in the eyes and pulls on the skin on her face and Maddie just licks her.
Mike, Michelle, Brooklyn and I are driving up the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to spend the day with Isaac and family. I hope that Andy is flying in too. We will have to drive back Thanksgiving evening but at least we will be together for Thanksgiving. Christmas Mike, Michelle and Brooklyn are flying home to Minnesota to spend a week with the her family and I know her family can hardly wait to see Brooklyn. I will have to work the day after Christmas so I will spend Christmas here with Diane's family. It will be a big Italian Christmas which will include singing around the piano. I think it will be a lot of fun.
Halloween at Aramark was an event. Most people dressed up and they put so much pressure on me to dress up the night before Halloween I scrambled to get a costume. I stopped at Rite-Aid and wandered around looking for inspiration when I spotted a package of the small individual packs of cereal and got inspired. I took the boxes and used tape and stuck them on a shirt with plastic knives sticking out of them and dripped red on a the shirt and said I was a cereal killer. I didn't win any prizes but got a lot of laughs. Of course being so close to Hollywood there were amazing costumes but hey anyone can dress as Moses. It was great fun and I have put on my think cap for next year. Any suggestions?
I am still trying to figure out Senior Dating. Last night I was IM one fellow, emailing another and texting yet another all at the same time. It was hilarious and I realized I didn't care if I met any of them. It was just great fun flirting with them. More on this subject later.
Have to run to rescue Brooklyn from her parents so we can have some fun.
Love to you and yours,
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Internet Dating
There has been absolutely nothing exciting happening in Burbank for the last couple of weeks. I house sat for Mike and Michelle and little Brooklyn when they went up to Oregon to visit their friends and introduce Brooklyn to her Uncle Andy. Who by the way has lost 100 pounds. Isn't that amazing. He looks great. So while they were gone I took care of their house and Maddie. Maddie went with me on my early morning walks and I tried to teach her to heel. I read up on it on the Internet and I think I would have been successful if her leash hadn't broken. I had to buy one from Rite-Aid so I could take her out at lunch and it was way too short. It worked in an emergency. She is such a smart dog. On one of the mornings I met this older gentleman on the bike path and I rained Maddie in so she wouldn't jump on him and lick him to death. He was carrying a golf club and raised it and said keep her away from him. I was so startled I didn't respond. She couldn't have reached him but I knew he was deathly afraid of dogs. I should have called the police but I told my roommate instead and she and all the dog people who are out when walks confronted him and told him the next time he walked with a weapon they would call the police. In fact she did call the police and they told her if he was out again with the golf club to immediately call 911. Well I guess he knows not to screw with Maddie and I again. All the dog people of Burbank are watching for him.
I am considering starting another blog. This one about the world of dating when you are a senior citizen. I haven't done much dating since my divorce in 1983. And for some odd reason I decided I want to date again. I must be a glutton for punishment or mentally deranged. So I actually had my first date. We had emailed and spoken on the phone for two or three weeks until I felt comfortable meeting him. It turned out he was so nice and we had the best time. We both acknowledged we felt very comfortable with each other like we had been friends for a long time. After our first date I heard from him a couple of times and then nothing. I have no idea what happened but apparently he didn't have as much fun as I thought. I was a bit disappointed but as the saying goes "one monkey doesn't stop the show".
Not to be discouraged I registered on a dating web site and that has been hilarious. You would think that men in their sixties would be different from boys in their teens. But they are not any different at 66 then they are at 16. They still bring up sex in their first emails. One guy from the Midwest wrote this long email without one single period and every other word was misspelled. And he was willing to re-locate. Lucky me.
Another fellow went so far as to leave me pathetically,what he considered to be erotic emails. I emailed him back that I thought that there might be 800 numbers he could call for that sort of thing.
Of course you have to be careful about this Internet dating but since I am basically untraceable and I use precautions I don't have serious concerns. You control how much they know about you. So we shall see where this takes me. Of course my first priority is taking care of myself so it will have to be a prince charming for me to give up my independence.
I will keep you all informed about my lovelife or lack there of.
Love to your and yours,
I am considering starting another blog. This one about the world of dating when you are a senior citizen. I haven't done much dating since my divorce in 1983. And for some odd reason I decided I want to date again. I must be a glutton for punishment or mentally deranged. So I actually had my first date. We had emailed and spoken on the phone for two or three weeks until I felt comfortable meeting him. It turned out he was so nice and we had the best time. We both acknowledged we felt very comfortable with each other like we had been friends for a long time. After our first date I heard from him a couple of times and then nothing. I have no idea what happened but apparently he didn't have as much fun as I thought. I was a bit disappointed but as the saying goes "one monkey doesn't stop the show".
Not to be discouraged I registered on a dating web site and that has been hilarious. You would think that men in their sixties would be different from boys in their teens. But they are not any different at 66 then they are at 16. They still bring up sex in their first emails. One guy from the Midwest wrote this long email without one single period and every other word was misspelled. And he was willing to re-locate. Lucky me.
Another fellow went so far as to leave me pathetically,what he considered to be erotic emails. I emailed him back that I thought that there might be 800 numbers he could call for that sort of thing.
Of course you have to be careful about this Internet dating but since I am basically untraceable and I use precautions I don't have serious concerns. You control how much they know about you. So we shall see where this takes me. Of course my first priority is taking care of myself so it will have to be a prince charming for me to give up my independence.
I will keep you all informed about my lovelife or lack there of.
Love to your and yours,
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Here are two of my little girls. Abyah is on the track team at her grade school and had her first competition. I wish I could have been there. She is so long and leggy and is a great runner. She reminds me of Sara Hill with her blond hair flipping as she runs like a gazelle. And Jaclyn is the encouraging big sister who met her at the finish line. I am so proud of both of them.
I have started walking this week. Since I don't seem to be able to sleep past 2:30 or 3:30 I decided rather then toss and turn I would get up, put on my walking shoes and hit the bike path that runs in front of our house. So there I am at 4 in the morning huffing and puffing but I am up to two miles and am quite proud of myself. I have lost 5 pounds doing it this week. Too bad I only have 95 more to go. My goal is to be able to walk to and from work. It is about 3 miles and during the winter weather once I have built up my stamina it should get me in shape. I had forgotten how good you feel when you exercise. And it shows. Everyone at work has noticed a change in me. They say I am glowing. Personally I think I have been exposed to some random chemical here in California, maybe radiation.
I went to the bank yesterday and the teller told me I looked so good in my beige blouse, that it was my color. Then I went to the bus stop and this old guy had his eye on me. I hugged my purse tighter but then he sat next to me on the bus and tried to strike up a conversation. I wasn't too worried because I knew I could "take him" as he was just a "spindly dude" as the boys used to say. To bad he was speaking Armenian and I didn't understand a word he was saying. I kept smiling and nodding and wondering if I was selling my first born for a goat. He didn't follow me off the bus but I had my eye on him. After years of experience of riding the buses in Peru and having to defend my body against groping hands I know how to deflect unwanted fingers!
This weekend is cloudy and it is suppose to rain, an Oregon day and I love it although I wanted to go to Griffin Observatory to star gaze on Saturday night. Maybe next weekend. My friend Stevie who grew up in LA but lives in Oregon told me about it and I goggled it and it looks really nice. So it is on my list of must see. In Oregon we seldom have clear days so star gazing hasn't been on my list.
Diane's son Danny came up from San Francisco for the week-end and spent the night here. Diane cooked lamb with prunes and apple sauce and spinach on a bed of pasta and it was divine. I went to bed and fell asleep to their laughing and talking and actually slept until 7:30 this morning. It is a wonderful thing when our children become adults and we can have grown up conversations with them.
I am hoping to go to Mike and Michelle's today to see little Brooklyn and watch the duck's game. I saw her once this week and wish I could see her every day. Babies change so quickly at this age. Mike and Michelle are so good with her. And boy does she love her Mom and Dad. She just watches them when I am holding her. She wants to make sure she doesn't get left with her evil Nana. I am totally going to enjoy teasing her about this when she is older. For those of you who don't have their web site here it is. Michelle keeps it updated with new pictures of "little Brooklyn like the Bridge".
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Yesterday I had a most pleasurable day. A friend took me down to Olivera Street in LA. It is reminiscent of the open markets in Central and South America. We went into an older Spanish Mission style church which was beautiful. We also toured the oldest adobe home where the furniture, linen and pottery was amazing. They had a couple of hand tooled saddles and I know Mary Etta would have been impressed with them. One of them was quite unusual and I asked my friend how you would ride it and the answer was very carefully. And that was the truth. It looked like it would have been quite awkward. The home took you to a past time of Los Angeles where the Spanish influence was very strong. We also went to the train station which was absolutely gorgeous. The architecture, tiling and wood was unbelievable. It had an open courtyard where you could sit and visit. After leaving the train station, where I might add I wasn't thrown in front of a train, we walked around China town and enjoyed all the sights.
I babysat little Brooklyn a couple of times this week and she still cried but not as much. I took a reinforcement this time. One of my co-workers is a Grandma and I wanted to see how Brooklyn reacted to her and of course she coo'd and smiled her little heart out. I have it figured out that she is playing me. I think little Brooklyn knows if all else fails I will try to buy her love with Barbie dolls. I think she has been talking to Jac and Bubba in that secret grandchild language and the two older girls have told her that all grandparents are big suckers. Right little Brooklyn?
She is absolutely the cutest little baby. I have been so lucky that all my grandchildren have been exceptionally cute. But I think all grandparents think the same thing about their g'children. Aren't we lucky?
Jenny called me Friday night from Jac's school carnival moaning about the fact that Jac didn't want her hanging around with her. She wanted to be with her friends. So it has started. I told Jenny to hang tough the bumpy ride of adolescents was starting. Part of me felt sorry for Isaac and Jenny but then having gone on that ride four times I almost felt a little glee. It is part of the payback Grandparents enjoy. The girls had fun as you can see from the pictures I am enclosing.
Mike and Michelle are going to Oregon next weekend and I will be house sitting and taking care of my granddog Maddie. I tried to get them to take Maddie and let me keep Brooklyn but they just looked at me like I was loco.... They want to show the baby off to their friends and to Uncle Andy who will be able to meet his new niece for the first time. So little Brooklyn will get her first airplane ride. Hopes she likes flying more then her Nana.
Well I am leaving to pick Diane up as she comes home from her Caribbean vacation today. She said she enjoyed it and is as brown as a baked potato. I envy her the ability to tan. Unlike my ability to burn.
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I think my Granddaughter Brooklyn hates her Nana. I went over to watch her and as soon as I picked her up she cried. She cried for about an hour. She cried so much Maddie was getting frantic running to the front door to check if Mike and Michelle were back. I think she figured Brooklyn would stop crying if they came back. Finally I rocked her in a dark room and sang the turalura song that worked for Jac and Bubba. After about a half an hour she finally went to sleep. Shortly after that Mike and Michelle came back with their friends and Mike woke her up so they could see her. And that little girl just coo'd and smiled all over the place. I want Jac and Bubba to call her to talk about being nice to Nana because of the "spoiling factor".
As if having a grandbaby that hates me isn't enough when I got home I had a piece of cold fried chicken and one of the teeth on my lower bridge broke and I ate it. Way to go! So I am going to have to go to work tomorrow and look like someone out of the Lil Abner cartoon. Does life get any better? Oh and I forgot to mention the cold sore on my nose. All in all not a pretty picture.
And all of this while my roommate is in St. Martins sunning herself. What do I get? I'm toothless in Burbank with a cold sore on my nose and babysitting three old dogs. I love my life!
I am sure you all heard about the terrible train accident a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately one of Aramark's employees was on the first train and died. It was such a shock. Shortly after the wreck Aramark personnel starting calling all the employees that purchase train tickets for that route through them and found unfortunately a young man with two children was on the train. Miraculously several people that normally take that train didn't. I received a call about 7 from a co-worker wondering if the "emergency man" rode that train. She is a transplant like I am so she is as geographically challenged as I am. I called another co-worker and found he rides another train. As much as I have poked fun at him it would have been devastating if he had been on that train.
I guess Aramark is not new to tragedy. The food service division lost employees who worked at the Top of the World Restaurant in the World Trade Center on 9/11. But when you think about it Aramark has about 240,000 thousand employees worldwide so I guess the odds are higher.
Hey how about those Ducks? To get beaten by Boise hurts. The game wasn't televised but I monitored it on CNN. Does anybody know a good quarterback? Especially one that doesn't get injured. Well it is a young team and they have a great coach.
Well I think I will go eat some ice cream. It has nuts so maybe I will break another tooth.
Love to you and yours,
As if having a grandbaby that hates me isn't enough when I got home I had a piece of cold fried chicken and one of the teeth on my lower bridge broke and I ate it. Way to go! So I am going to have to go to work tomorrow and look like someone out of the Lil Abner cartoon. Does life get any better? Oh and I forgot to mention the cold sore on my nose. All in all not a pretty picture.
And all of this while my roommate is in St. Martins sunning herself. What do I get? I'm toothless in Burbank with a cold sore on my nose and babysitting three old dogs. I love my life!
I am sure you all heard about the terrible train accident a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately one of Aramark's employees was on the first train and died. It was such a shock. Shortly after the wreck Aramark personnel starting calling all the employees that purchase train tickets for that route through them and found unfortunately a young man with two children was on the train. Miraculously several people that normally take that train didn't. I received a call about 7 from a co-worker wondering if the "emergency man" rode that train. She is a transplant like I am so she is as geographically challenged as I am. I called another co-worker and found he rides another train. As much as I have poked fun at him it would have been devastating if he had been on that train.
I guess Aramark is not new to tragedy. The food service division lost employees who worked at the Top of the World Restaurant in the World Trade Center on 9/11. But when you think about it Aramark has about 240,000 thousand employees worldwide so I guess the odds are higher.
Hey how about those Ducks? To get beaten by Boise hurts. The game wasn't televised but I monitored it on CNN. Does anybody know a good quarterback? Especially one that doesn't get injured. Well it is a young team and they have a great coach.
Well I think I will go eat some ice cream. It has nuts so maybe I will break another tooth.
Love to you and yours,
Monday, September 1, 2008

I had the best birthday if one can have a "best 62nd birthday". The first thing Mikey asked me was I going to start collecting social security. Way to bring the birthday spirit down. I knew I was eligible but I certainly didn't feel like collecting social security. That makes me seem way to old. I'm still working so no Mikey I am too "young" to collect social security.
I spent the day with Brooklyn, Michelle and Mikey. Mikey fixed a great breakfast and lunch and Michelle grilled great steaks. And I got to spend the day playing with "Kooky". She is just hilarious. Of course we watched the opening day of college football and she was engrossed in watching the TV all day. Mikey thinks she was into football. That's right, Mikey, a 10 week old football "phenom". They have a wide screen TV and with all the vivid colors and sounds she seemed engrossed in the game. She did get fussy during the commercial breaks and then calmed right down when the game was on. But I don't think she is a football phenom....or is she? Her Mom was holding her and her Dad walked by and I swear it sounded like she said Dada. I think it was gas. It was a great day and some great college ball. Go Ducks!
The other Fields Family in Sacramento got into the Duck Spirit as well. Abyah even had her face painted. Their house was totally Duck crazy as well as their car. Some poor child from Jaclyn's school asked Isaac why he wasn't rooting for a California team. Jenny said Isaac's eyes rolled back in his head and there was a slight tremor. At least the child apologized later.
I went over and babysat Brooklyn last night while Mike and Michelle went to a neighbor's BBQ and their little three year old Gabby came and visited with me a while. She is adorable with red hair and the personality to match. At one point she told me Mike Fields said "Don't touch my cell phone and I'm serious". She always says Mike Fields when she talks about him. She is just as cute as a button. And dearly loves Baby Brooklyn. And it is a reminder how kids love to repeat things. I am sure we have all been embarrassed at things our kids have repeated. I remember Mary Etta telling her first grade classmates during show and tell about an argument her Mom and Dad had the previous night. Her teacher thought it was funny and called me about it.
Well I am off to lunch with M&M and B.
Love to you and yours,
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Kokaroo Kokaroo
I had a wonderful time with Jaclyn and Abyah this weekend. I started my journey to Sacramento about 9:30 Friday morning. And of course I started my day with the usual “Carol experience”. To get on the freeway I had to drive by my work and who should be prancing down the sidewalk but "Mr. Emergency Man" wearing his yellow emergency vest. Apparently they had a fire drill and had to evacuate the building. Of course no one from my team was with him. As planned after our experience during the earthquake everyone left the building without his assistance. Anyway that was my last image before I got on the freeway….the yellow emergency vest. At least I think he had it on right this time instead of backwards.
Sacramento is 400 miles and after the “grapevine” it is smooth sailing. I really looked forward to the alone time and took several books on tape. The first one I listened to lasted all the way to and about an hour on the return trip. I highly recommend Pat Conroy’s Beach Music. His lyrical words kept me intrigued. The book is about a man and his life with 4 brothers growing up in South Carolina. So it brought back memories of my three years in the South. Books on tape are far more entertaining and relaxing then TV. You are being read a story and you use your imagination to picture it in your mind. It is the only way to travel. Surprisingly it doesn't distract you from driving either.
I arrived in Sacramento around five and of course the first thing we did was go out for pizza. And then I spent the rest of the evening snuggling with the girls and visiting with Jenny and Isaac. They moved to Cameron Park several months ago and it is a great improvement from Sacramento. Jenny's Mom lives just down the street and her sister is about a mile away. Saturday I woke up to the great smell of one of Isaac's delicious breakfasts. He is a wonderful cook. Then we went to a few garage sales before hitting the mall to school shop for the girls. It was so much fun being with them. After a shop til you drop day we went home and played video games. I was getting quite good when I was in Sacramento before and found I hadn't totally lost my skill. I won one game but I really think Jac let me win.
The next morning after a tearful goodbye I started back to Burbank. The land is quite hot and arid and when I stopped for gas (which you have to pump yourself --- yuk!) I saw it was 109 degrees. When I got back in the car I cranked up the air condition. That is way to hot for an Oregon gal! I arrived back in Burbank just in time to go to bed to get up in the morning and go to work. I plan on going back to spend a few days with the girls for Abyah's birthday in November.
And just when you think life can't get any better I spent last evening taking care of Brooklyn who gets cuter each time I see her. Her father has nicknamed her Kooky because she makes the cutest sounds. It is almost sounds like she is saying kokaroo kokaroo. Now when she starts to cry her bottom lip comes out and quivers and it is so cute. She is such a sweet disposition. I hope they have another one soon. You can never have enough grandchildren!
I miss you all and would love a visit.
Love to you and yours,
Sacramento is 400 miles and after the “grapevine” it is smooth sailing. I really looked forward to the alone time and took several books on tape. The first one I listened to lasted all the way to and about an hour on the return trip. I highly recommend Pat Conroy’s Beach Music. His lyrical words kept me intrigued. The book is about a man and his life with 4 brothers growing up in South Carolina. So it brought back memories of my three years in the South. Books on tape are far more entertaining and relaxing then TV. You are being read a story and you use your imagination to picture it in your mind. It is the only way to travel. Surprisingly it doesn't distract you from driving either.
I arrived in Sacramento around five and of course the first thing we did was go out for pizza. And then I spent the rest of the evening snuggling with the girls and visiting with Jenny and Isaac. They moved to Cameron Park several months ago and it is a great improvement from Sacramento. Jenny's Mom lives just down the street and her sister is about a mile away. Saturday I woke up to the great smell of one of Isaac's delicious breakfasts. He is a wonderful cook. Then we went to a few garage sales before hitting the mall to school shop for the girls. It was so much fun being with them. After a shop til you drop day we went home and played video games. I was getting quite good when I was in Sacramento before and found I hadn't totally lost my skill. I won one game but I really think Jac let me win.
The next morning after a tearful goodbye I started back to Burbank. The land is quite hot and arid and when I stopped for gas (which you have to pump yourself --- yuk!) I saw it was 109 degrees. When I got back in the car I cranked up the air condition. That is way to hot for an Oregon gal! I arrived back in Burbank just in time to go to bed to get up in the morning and go to work. I plan on going back to spend a few days with the girls for Abyah's birthday in November.
And just when you think life can't get any better I spent last evening taking care of Brooklyn who gets cuter each time I see her. Her father has nicknamed her Kooky because she makes the cutest sounds. It is almost sounds like she is saying kokaroo kokaroo. Now when she starts to cry her bottom lip comes out and quivers and it is so cute. She is such a sweet disposition. I hope they have another one soon. You can never have enough grandchildren!
I miss you all and would love a visit.
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Hard Scrabble Life in California
This has been a strange and rather sad week in Burbank. One of my co-workers is going to have extensive surgery on her back next week and since she is 65 it is rather worrisome. She has been living with her son for the past several years since she had a severe heart attack. And now he has decided with the advent of a new girlfriend he doesn't want his mother living with him any more. So he literally threw her out in the street with no regard for her upcoming surgery or her well being. He refused to help her find an apartment or replace what he sold. He even refused to give her the paintings her mother painted that he had stored in his locked bedroom closet. Another co-worker and I helped her move yesterday into the home of one of her friends. This is only a temporary home for her until she recoups from the surgery then she will have to find a place. Since he sold all of her things when she moved in with him she will literally have to start over. I hate that she is going into surgery with such a heavy and pained heart. And I can only hope her son and his girlfriend have a bad case of karma. And I wish I had mob connections that could inflict a little pain on their kneecaps.
Finding a place in Burbank is real tough, I know I have tried. It is nearly impossible for a single person to live alone. Decent places to live start at $1300 and up for one bedrooms. Mike and Michelle pay over $3000 for a place and that is not unusual. I feel very fortunate to have found my place at Diane's. And I hope my friend will be as lucky. People are harsh here in California too. They have harsher personalities, live harsher lifestyles and seem to have less heart. I don't know if that is because they are jammed into less space, have less economic stability or the climate is just tooo damn hot. They live in a superficial world of illusion. And I know that I will not live in California for the rest of my life. Michelle and I were talking about this way of life this weekend and she agrees with me about the harsh reality of life in California. And neither of us feel it is a place to raise Brooklyn, not even in beautiful downtown Burbank.
After spending the day helping my friend move I came home and Diane told me that Noah's sister had been murdered by her husband/boyfriend. He had beaten her to death. Noah and his partner Chris adopted Noah's sister's son William who is 6 and just an adorable child. They live a block up the street and they have come here for dinner several times and have had us to their home for dinner a few times. A couple of weeks ago we went to their house for Noah's birthday and I met his mother and other sister, her husband and nieces and a delightful bunch of gay guys who kept me laughing the whole evening. To have this tragedy is horrendous. Apparently William's father had threatened to kill Noah, Chris, William and the sister and they all had a restraining orders against him. Chris and Noah installed an alarm system. But a restraining order is only a piece of paper to a crazed individual. Thankfully he is in jail now and hopefully they will keep him there. I won't be here for the funeral so Diane and I will cook food and take it their house Thursday evening. If you are the praying sort say a few for my friends Chris and Noah and little William. Chris and Noah are truly wonderful boys and would make any mother proud to have them as sons. And they have really turned little William's life around since they have had him. He is an engaging little boy with big brown eyes and a mop of thick brown hair who didn't speak and wasn't potty trained when they got him a couple of years ago. And now he doesn't stop talking and is just a charming little boy. Fortunately the adoption was final in July so he is now their son legally.
On a much happier note I leave Friday the 22nd to go to Sacramento for the weekend. I look forward to seeing the girls. I am taking them school shopping especially since this is Jac's first year in Junior High and I know how looking and feeling good about yourself is important at this age. So even though Nana hates to shop we are going to hit the mall with a vengeance early Saturday morning. Since I hate to fly I rented a car from Enterprise for $62 for the weekend with unlimited miles plus I will get a 10% Aramark discount. Not a bad deal. I bought one of those Aerobed's so I am all set. The girls all are excited especially since their Great Aunt Josephine sent each of the girls, Jac, Bubba and Brooklyn $100.00 cashier checks. This is my ex husband's sister whom I have considered a sister even though I divorced her brother. They don't get any better then Josephine. I value her friendship enormously. I am not sure if you all remember but Josephine left her own family and came to Oregon to spend Christmas with us the year Mary Etta was diagnosed with cancer. We have been each other's moral support through Mary Etta's death, the unexpected death of her sister and then the death of her husband from cancer. I don't know how I could ever live my life with out the wonderful family and friends I have. Blessing to you all!
Love to you and yours,
Finding a place in Burbank is real tough, I know I have tried. It is nearly impossible for a single person to live alone. Decent places to live start at $1300 and up for one bedrooms. Mike and Michelle pay over $3000 for a place and that is not unusual. I feel very fortunate to have found my place at Diane's. And I hope my friend will be as lucky. People are harsh here in California too. They have harsher personalities, live harsher lifestyles and seem to have less heart. I don't know if that is because they are jammed into less space, have less economic stability or the climate is just tooo damn hot. They live in a superficial world of illusion. And I know that I will not live in California for the rest of my life. Michelle and I were talking about this way of life this weekend and she agrees with me about the harsh reality of life in California. And neither of us feel it is a place to raise Brooklyn, not even in beautiful downtown Burbank.
After spending the day helping my friend move I came home and Diane told me that Noah's sister had been murdered by her husband/boyfriend. He had beaten her to death. Noah and his partner Chris adopted Noah's sister's son William who is 6 and just an adorable child. They live a block up the street and they have come here for dinner several times and have had us to their home for dinner a few times. A couple of weeks ago we went to their house for Noah's birthday and I met his mother and other sister, her husband and nieces and a delightful bunch of gay guys who kept me laughing the whole evening. To have this tragedy is horrendous. Apparently William's father had threatened to kill Noah, Chris, William and the sister and they all had a restraining orders against him. Chris and Noah installed an alarm system. But a restraining order is only a piece of paper to a crazed individual. Thankfully he is in jail now and hopefully they will keep him there. I won't be here for the funeral so Diane and I will cook food and take it their house Thursday evening. If you are the praying sort say a few for my friends Chris and Noah and little William. Chris and Noah are truly wonderful boys and would make any mother proud to have them as sons. And they have really turned little William's life around since they have had him. He is an engaging little boy with big brown eyes and a mop of thick brown hair who didn't speak and wasn't potty trained when they got him a couple of years ago. And now he doesn't stop talking and is just a charming little boy. Fortunately the adoption was final in July so he is now their son legally.
On a much happier note I leave Friday the 22nd to go to Sacramento for the weekend. I look forward to seeing the girls. I am taking them school shopping especially since this is Jac's first year in Junior High and I know how looking and feeling good about yourself is important at this age. So even though Nana hates to shop we are going to hit the mall with a vengeance early Saturday morning. Since I hate to fly I rented a car from Enterprise for $62 for the weekend with unlimited miles plus I will get a 10% Aramark discount. Not a bad deal. I bought one of those Aerobed's so I am all set. The girls all are excited especially since their Great Aunt Josephine sent each of the girls, Jac, Bubba and Brooklyn $100.00 cashier checks. This is my ex husband's sister whom I have considered a sister even though I divorced her brother. They don't get any better then Josephine. I value her friendship enormously. I am not sure if you all remember but Josephine left her own family and came to Oregon to spend Christmas with us the year Mary Etta was diagnosed with cancer. We have been each other's moral support through Mary Etta's death, the unexpected death of her sister and then the death of her husband from cancer. I don't know how I could ever live my life with out the wonderful family and friends I have. Blessing to you all!
Love to you and yours,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Shake Rattle and Roll
Well I have been initiated to Southern California. I was at work and all of a sudden the building started to shake and roll. Now I hate hate hate earthquakes. I was in a very bad one in 1966 in Peru where about 20,000 people were killed and I developed a deep fear of earthquakes. Not sure of what to do I grabbed my purse and one of my co-workers and we decided to get the heck out of the building. Fortunately after what seemed like an hour it subsided. But the whole experience left me wishing I were back in Oregon. I immediately tried to call Michelle on her cell phone as I was worried she was home alone with the baby and scared. It took about 15 minutes before I could reach her and as luck would have it Mike was home with she and Brooklyn. After reaching her and knowing they were fine I sat down and shed a few tears. It is a very scary thing to not be able to reach your kids during a crisis. Thank goodness my cube is in the back so no one saw my fears and tears.
There is a hilarious part of this that has kept me laughing. Actually our whole department has been laughing. Let me explain. We have a designated person who is trained for emergencies who is supposed to take care of us in our hour of need. Now this person sits right next to me and I have wondered why in the world he was selected. He is hearing and sight impaired and I have wondered how he would keep us out of harms way.
Once during a drill I watched him struggle to put on his emergency vest. He kept fastening and unfastening the Velcro and ended out with the jacket upside down. Then he couldn't 't use the walkie-talkie. He kept talking into it saying he couldn't hear, he couldn't hear. Someone finally told him he was pressing the wrong button. It was pretty funny. Anyway to get back to the earthquake story when the building started to shake I looked over at this person to see what we should do and I saw him go under the desk. It appeared it was every man for himself. Later he tried to say he yelled, "get under your desks" but I told him he didn't say a word and it must have been the voices in his head. I grabbed my purse and the girl in the next cube and preceded up the aisle where another co-worker was yelling out to the emergency person "what do we do...what do we do". I told her to forget it as he was under his desk. When the quake was over he came out put his vest on backward and frantically told us not to leave the building. Then he precedes to tell the head emergency guy we are all accounted for. Unfortunately that wasn't true. Two people were missing. One was out on the patio trying to phone home and the other one was in the parking garage snoozing during his lunch. So bottom line if we have another emergency our entire department is going to find another emergency person to find out what we are supposed to do. I know my plan is to grab my purse and get the hell out of there. I think the safest place is in the stairwell. And I am convinced my fear of earthquakes is well founded. Every one keeps telling me this is a forecast of the "Big One". Now no amount of fun in the sun makes living in California worthwhile especially if there is a "Big One" coming.
Frankly I foresee a migration to Oregon what with the eminent "Big One" around the corner and a lunatic for governor of the state. His big plan to save California's economy is to cut wages and lay off the state workers who are struggling to survive. What a concept! That should increase crime, crowd the jails and courts, and increase the use of food stamps and Medi-Cal. Californian seems to thrive on electing actors for Governors. Then they "act" like idiots.
On another note I babysat Brooklyn and had such fun. She stayed awake the whole time I was there. She is grinning and starting to giggle and is so much fun to take care of. She is very sociable. I think it is from Michelle's side of the family. Mikey was a tad cranky as a baby and not what you would call good natured. Good natured in the Fields family seemed to skip a generation. Mary Etta was very good natured, then Andy was terribly cranky. Isaac was good natured then Mikey was fussy all the time. We shall see if their next child has such a sunny disposition.
Maddie the dog was fun too. She has been the baby for so long that her little nose is out of joint having to share the limelight with Brooklyn. The entire time I was there Maddie had to lay next to me with her head in my lap reminding me she's the baby too. She is not aggressive at all towards Brooklyn so we don't foresee any problems. She is always licking Brooklyn but we aren't sure if it is the smell of milk, poopy diapers or her love for her. We all try to give Maddie attention too. In fact that night when I slept over Maddie had a hard time deciding who to sleep with. All night she went between bedrooms. So even though Brooklyn slept through the night Maddie kept me awake. Oh the pains of being a Grandma. Love it!!!
I am adding a link to the Fields Family Blog that Michelle started a couple of days ago. It has lots of pictures and is very cool so check it out. http://fieldsfamilywebsite.web.officelive.com/default.aspx
Michelle is very talented so it will be an entertaining way to keep track of us all.
It has been very warm this past week. Quite humid in fact. I will be glad when it cools down a bit.
I will try to be more consistent in keeping up my blog. Jo puts me to shame as she finds the time to keep us posted on her news so frequently. And wasn't it great news to hear about her positive result of her latest scan. I think being such a positive person keeps her healthy.
Andy is going to come down in a month or so. I am looking forward to seeing him as he has lost 95 pound and I want to see what he looks like. He won't send any picture so I guess I will have to wait. He is driving taxi in Portland now so I am sure he will entertain us with lots of taxi tales. I am not so thrilled with his career change as I worry about the danger but I have to remind my self he is grown. That's is always the hard part of being a parent, as we all know.
Well must go now dinner is ready and I certainly don't want to be late for one of Diane's meals.
Love to you and yours,
There is a hilarious part of this that has kept me laughing. Actually our whole department has been laughing. Let me explain. We have a designated person who is trained for emergencies who is supposed to take care of us in our hour of need. Now this person sits right next to me and I have wondered why in the world he was selected. He is hearing and sight impaired and I have wondered how he would keep us out of harms way.
Once during a drill I watched him struggle to put on his emergency vest. He kept fastening and unfastening the Velcro and ended out with the jacket upside down. Then he couldn't 't use the walkie-talkie. He kept talking into it saying he couldn't hear, he couldn't hear. Someone finally told him he was pressing the wrong button. It was pretty funny. Anyway to get back to the earthquake story when the building started to shake I looked over at this person to see what we should do and I saw him go under the desk. It appeared it was every man for himself. Later he tried to say he yelled, "get under your desks" but I told him he didn't say a word and it must have been the voices in his head. I grabbed my purse and the girl in the next cube and preceded up the aisle where another co-worker was yelling out to the emergency person "what do we do...what do we do". I told her to forget it as he was under his desk. When the quake was over he came out put his vest on backward and frantically told us not to leave the building. Then he precedes to tell the head emergency guy we are all accounted for. Unfortunately that wasn't true. Two people were missing. One was out on the patio trying to phone home and the other one was in the parking garage snoozing during his lunch. So bottom line if we have another emergency our entire department is going to find another emergency person to find out what we are supposed to do. I know my plan is to grab my purse and get the hell out of there. I think the safest place is in the stairwell. And I am convinced my fear of earthquakes is well founded. Every one keeps telling me this is a forecast of the "Big One". Now no amount of fun in the sun makes living in California worthwhile especially if there is a "Big One" coming.
Frankly I foresee a migration to Oregon what with the eminent "Big One" around the corner and a lunatic for governor of the state. His big plan to save California's economy is to cut wages and lay off the state workers who are struggling to survive. What a concept! That should increase crime, crowd the jails and courts, and increase the use of food stamps and Medi-Cal. Californian seems to thrive on electing actors for Governors. Then they "act" like idiots.
On another note I babysat Brooklyn and had such fun. She stayed awake the whole time I was there. She is grinning and starting to giggle and is so much fun to take care of. She is very sociable. I think it is from Michelle's side of the family. Mikey was a tad cranky as a baby and not what you would call good natured. Good natured in the Fields family seemed to skip a generation. Mary Etta was very good natured, then Andy was terribly cranky. Isaac was good natured then Mikey was fussy all the time. We shall see if their next child has such a sunny disposition.
Maddie the dog was fun too. She has been the baby for so long that her little nose is out of joint having to share the limelight with Brooklyn. The entire time I was there Maddie had to lay next to me with her head in my lap reminding me she's the baby too. She is not aggressive at all towards Brooklyn so we don't foresee any problems. She is always licking Brooklyn but we aren't sure if it is the smell of milk, poopy diapers or her love for her. We all try to give Maddie attention too. In fact that night when I slept over Maddie had a hard time deciding who to sleep with. All night she went between bedrooms. So even though Brooklyn slept through the night Maddie kept me awake. Oh the pains of being a Grandma. Love it!!!
I am adding a link to the Fields Family Blog that Michelle started a couple of days ago. It has lots of pictures and is very cool so check it out. http://fieldsfamilywebsite.web.officelive.com/default.aspx
Michelle is very talented so it will be an entertaining way to keep track of us all.
It has been very warm this past week. Quite humid in fact. I will be glad when it cools down a bit.
I will try to be more consistent in keeping up my blog. Jo puts me to shame as she finds the time to keep us posted on her news so frequently. And wasn't it great news to hear about her positive result of her latest scan. I think being such a positive person keeps her healthy.
Andy is going to come down in a month or so. I am looking forward to seeing him as he has lost 95 pound and I want to see what he looks like. He won't send any picture so I guess I will have to wait. He is driving taxi in Portland now so I am sure he will entertain us with lots of taxi tales. I am not so thrilled with his career change as I worry about the danger but I have to remind my self he is grown. That's is always the hard part of being a parent, as we all know.
Well must go now dinner is ready and I certainly don't want to be late for one of Diane's meals.
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Three Of A Kind
This week has been pretty routine. Nothing too exciting happened unless you count the man at the grocery store who thought he should tell me a racially distasteful joke. At first I didn't get it and stood there wondering why he told me a joke. Then it was like getting hit by a 2x4. I was stunned. I told him that it was disgusting joke and he said that it was okey for him to tell this type of joke as he lost someone in the Holocaust.............a guard. I had so much more to say but he was pretty big and seedy looking so I just left. I thought, here we are celebrating the 4th of July and we have so much work to do as a Nation. I doubt I will see those changes in my lifetime but I hope my granddaughters see it.
I don't know why crazy people come up to me and say such weird things. But if there is a strange person around they will always come up to me. It has been the bane of my existance. But the guy in the grocery store is worse then a crazy person. He is hateful and evil and scary.
Twice this week I reconnected with someone from my past. First I got an email from my friend Steve who said he worked with a women for two years at his current job and finally realized she previously worked at Tekronix. In fact, she trained me for my first position in the Service dept. and I had not talked to her for probably 12 or 13 years. Unfortunately she did not make it through one of our layoffs. Steve gave her my email address and I look forward to hearing from her. Then Mary Etta connected with Larry Knudson from class of 64 and she gave him my email and I received a very an email from him. I responded and look forward to hearing back from him. It sounds like he is a traveling man. He really isn't too far away and I told him if he had time to stop by for a visit. These two connections along with another connection from a girl I knew from about 31 years ago make it three people I have reconnected to on the past month. It is so good to talk to friends from high school. Most of us went to school from grade school through high school so we know the best and the worst and still care about each other. It is a wonderful thing.
I spent several hours with Brooklyn today. She is now three weeks old and is just adorable. She
smiles when you coo to her. I know people say it is gas but she is smiling. She is very sociable and loves to be held. Her hair stands straight up and looks like a mohawk. So she look likes a little punk rocker. She will have curly hair I think but it is really too soon to tell.
I am getting really excited about going to Sacramento to see Jac and Bubba next month. I told Isaac and Jenny they just need to drop them off at my hotel Wednesday night and come back to take me to the airport on Sunday. It is going to be one long pizza slumber party!!!
I hope everyone had a good 4th of July.
Love to you and yours,
I don't know why crazy people come up to me and say such weird things. But if there is a strange person around they will always come up to me. It has been the bane of my existance. But the guy in the grocery store is worse then a crazy person. He is hateful and evil and scary.
Twice this week I reconnected with someone from my past. First I got an email from my friend Steve who said he worked with a women for two years at his current job and finally realized she previously worked at Tekronix. In fact, she trained me for my first position in the Service dept. and I had not talked to her for probably 12 or 13 years. Unfortunately she did not make it through one of our layoffs. Steve gave her my email address and I look forward to hearing from her. Then Mary Etta connected with Larry Knudson from class of 64 and she gave him my email and I received a very an email from him. I responded and look forward to hearing back from him. It sounds like he is a traveling man. He really isn't too far away and I told him if he had time to stop by for a visit. These two connections along with another connection from a girl I knew from about 31 years ago make it three people I have reconnected to on the past month. It is so good to talk to friends from high school. Most of us went to school from grade school through high school so we know the best and the worst and still care about each other. It is a wonderful thing.
I spent several hours with Brooklyn today. She is now three weeks old and is just adorable. She
smiles when you coo to her. I know people say it is gas but she is smiling. She is very sociable and loves to be held. Her hair stands straight up and looks like a mohawk. So she look likes a little punk rocker. She will have curly hair I think but it is really too soon to tell.
I am getting really excited about going to Sacramento to see Jac and Bubba next month. I told Isaac and Jenny they just need to drop them off at my hotel Wednesday night and come back to take me to the airport on Sunday. It is going to be one long pizza slumber party!!!
I hope everyone had a good 4th of July.
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Summer Time And The Living Is Easy
Summer finally hit in Burbank. It was over 110 degrees for several days and that is hot for an Oregon girl. Thankfully the temperature dropped to the mid 80's last week but we are going to be in the 90's today. I made a huge discovery that cotton bras are a necessity in such extreme temperatures. I ordered several at the website for Just My Size and just received them. They aren't the greatest for support but are sooooo comfortable. I don't feel so sticky and hot.
We spent the last couple of days gardening and upholstering dining room chairs. Last week we stopped at a garage sale and Diane found a great buy on a food processor. And my "Garage Sale Queen" eyes saw some curtain panels in a rich cranberry/tan stripe. There were also solid cranberry panels. I asked the lady how much they were and she said $10.00 for the lot. After conferring with Diane we bought them, came home and replaced the green checked cafe curtains in the dining room. What a difference it made. We are using the solid cranberry panels for the dining room chairs. The effect is stunning and goes so well with her new remodeled kitchen.
Life in Burbank is great. Last night we sat under the newly installed fan on the covered patio and had a delicious dinner while 60's music played on the radio. And this morning we had coffee on the other patio and read the Sunday paper. It is just too relaxing. Of course Diane, being the exercise freak she is, had to go walk the dogs then ride her bike for several hours. Meanwhile I sipped coffee, read the paper and listened to all the song birds. What a life.
Spent last Thursday evening with Brooklyn. She is just the most cuddly baby. She loves to be held and feed a bottle. I am enjoying Baby B as her Grandfather calls her. Michelle's Mom and Dad came out from Minnesota and spent a week with their first Grandchild. I went over for a BBQ and we good naturedly fought over who was going to hold her. I acquiesced as I knew how hard it was going to be for Dawn and Dennis to leave her at the end of the week. I still think there should be a law that Grandchildren are prohibited from living more then 5 miles from their Grandparents.
Dawn and Dennis have a farm in Canby Minnesota where they raise breeder cows or maybe it is bulls or steers. What do I know, we had sheep! Canby has about 1500 people and was a good place to grow up according to Michelle. Her Grandparents also live on the farm so were always available. Michelle being the first grandchild holds a very special place in their hearts and now Brooklyn is the first girl great grandchild. The Grandparents came out for their wedding so I was able to meet them. Great Grandma made several lovely things for the baby and will be keepsakes for Baby B. Good thing because this Nana has no talent for making anything .
Mike and Michelle are taking to parenthood like ducks to water. Michelle told me that she couldn't imagine being a parent and now she can't imagine being without Brooklyn. She is a great mother. I am so lucky my daughter in laws are wonderful mother. I couldn't ask for better!
After I had held Brooklyn and eaten pizza Mike told me it was time to go. He was tired of sharing Brooklyn with Grandparents. He is a great Dad. He gave Brooklyn her first bath and changes diapers like a pro.
I am flying to Sacramento on August 6th to spend time with Jaclyn and Abyah. Jac turns 11 on August 13th. It is so hard to realize she is so grown up. She starts middle school this year. And knowing she is almost a teenager makes me a little nervous. But Isaac and Jenny are so involved in their lives it will be extremely difficult for the girls to take a wrong turn. Thank God. Abyah will be in third grade and last year told everyone to call her Aby. But little Aby Fields will always be Bubba to me. Her father started calling her that because she looked huge when she was born. And all the family calls her that. So it is Jac, Bubba and Baby B, my granddaughters. Life is good.
Love to you and yours,
Nana Carol
We spent the last couple of days gardening and upholstering dining room chairs. Last week we stopped at a garage sale and Diane found a great buy on a food processor. And my "Garage Sale Queen" eyes saw some curtain panels in a rich cranberry/tan stripe. There were also solid cranberry panels. I asked the lady how much they were and she said $10.00 for the lot. After conferring with Diane we bought them, came home and replaced the green checked cafe curtains in the dining room. What a difference it made. We are using the solid cranberry panels for the dining room chairs. The effect is stunning and goes so well with her new remodeled kitchen.
Life in Burbank is great. Last night we sat under the newly installed fan on the covered patio and had a delicious dinner while 60's music played on the radio. And this morning we had coffee on the other patio and read the Sunday paper. It is just too relaxing. Of course Diane, being the exercise freak she is, had to go walk the dogs then ride her bike for several hours. Meanwhile I sipped coffee, read the paper and listened to all the song birds. What a life.
Spent last Thursday evening with Brooklyn. She is just the most cuddly baby. She loves to be held and feed a bottle. I am enjoying Baby B as her Grandfather calls her. Michelle's Mom and Dad came out from Minnesota and spent a week with their first Grandchild. I went over for a BBQ and we good naturedly fought over who was going to hold her. I acquiesced as I knew how hard it was going to be for Dawn and Dennis to leave her at the end of the week. I still think there should be a law that Grandchildren are prohibited from living more then 5 miles from their Grandparents.
Dawn and Dennis have a farm in Canby Minnesota where they raise breeder cows or maybe it is bulls or steers. What do I know, we had sheep! Canby has about 1500 people and was a good place to grow up according to Michelle. Her Grandparents also live on the farm so were always available. Michelle being the first grandchild holds a very special place in their hearts and now Brooklyn is the first girl great grandchild. The Grandparents came out for their wedding so I was able to meet them. Great Grandma made several lovely things for the baby and will be keepsakes for Baby B. Good thing because this Nana has no talent for making anything .
Mike and Michelle are taking to parenthood like ducks to water. Michelle told me that she couldn't imagine being a parent and now she can't imagine being without Brooklyn. She is a great mother. I am so lucky my daughter in laws are wonderful mother. I couldn't ask for better!
After I had held Brooklyn and eaten pizza Mike told me it was time to go. He was tired of sharing Brooklyn with Grandparents. He is a great Dad. He gave Brooklyn her first bath and changes diapers like a pro.
I am flying to Sacramento on August 6th to spend time with Jaclyn and Abyah. Jac turns 11 on August 13th. It is so hard to realize she is so grown up. She starts middle school this year. And knowing she is almost a teenager makes me a little nervous. But Isaac and Jenny are so involved in their lives it will be extremely difficult for the girls to take a wrong turn. Thank God. Abyah will be in third grade and last year told everyone to call her Aby. But little Aby Fields will always be Bubba to me. Her father started calling her that because she looked huge when she was born. And all the family calls her that. So it is Jac, Bubba and Baby B, my granddaughters. Life is good.
Love to you and yours,
Nana Carol
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Eagle Has Landed
Little Brooklyn finally decided to make an appearance. She was born about 1:30 AM Saturday on the 14th. I was going to wait at home until she was born but couldn't stand it so I drove to Cedar Sinai around nine. Thank God for GPS or I would never have made it. Mike and Michelle went to the hospital at 5pm Friday afternoon. Michelle had a relatively easy time, good drugs, only had to push for about a 1/2 an hour. In fact the doctor didn't even have time to put her gloves on before she caught the 9 pound 3 ounce baby. She has lots of dark hair, and chubby cheeks. I think she looks like Jaclyn did when she was born. She was very awake and looking around. She topped the tests charts which is no wonder with such smarty pants parents. I was so surprised how awake and aware she was. She was really looking around and tracking with her eyes. She has the Field's nose and a little cupid bow mouth and is quite lovely. She certainly has the Fields' appetite. She was smacking her lips and making little sucking noises. Right now she has lavender eyes but it is hard to tell if they will go brown or stay that lovely purple color. I told her about all the fun slumber parties we would have and how my job was to spoil her. My promise to her is her first Barbie doll and prom dress. I think I feel a spending spree at Toys R Us coming up.
I was so glad I went to the hospital. Even though I was in the waiting room, seeing the look on Mikey's face when he came out and told me she was born was priceless. He cut the umbilical cord and everything. It is amazing to see the transformation in my sons as they become fathers. I am glad I was there and I think Mike was glad I was there to share it.
Michelle was on the phone to her parents when I came in the room and met my new Grandbaby and her parents said they were so jealous. This is their first grandchild. But they are flying in on the 18th and will soon see her. I know it will be so hard for them when they go back to Minnesota.
I am exhausted as I didn't get home until 4 and had to be out of the house for a hair appointment at 8:30. Mike is picking me up at four to go back to the hospital so I guess I will rest tonight.
I will post pictures as soon as Mikey emails them to me in the next couple of days.
Love to you and yours,
I was so glad I went to the hospital. Even though I was in the waiting room, seeing the look on Mikey's face when he came out and told me she was born was priceless. He cut the umbilical cord and everything. It is amazing to see the transformation in my sons as they become fathers. I am glad I was there and I think Mike was glad I was there to share it.
Michelle was on the phone to her parents when I came in the room and met my new Grandbaby and her parents said they were so jealous. This is their first grandchild. But they are flying in on the 18th and will soon see her. I know it will be so hard for them when they go back to Minnesota.
I am exhausted as I didn't get home until 4 and had to be out of the house for a hair appointment at 8:30. Mike is picking me up at four to go back to the hospital so I guess I will rest tonight.
I will post pictures as soon as Mikey emails them to me in the next couple of days.
Love to you and yours,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Well Spoken With Good Diction
I have to apologize for my lapse in blogging. For the past month I have had a low grade headache and have felt run down. To make a long story short I ended out at Kaiser ER a week ago Tuesday. I woke up on Monday and couldn't breath. By Tuesday I was in real distress so Mikey drove me to the ER where they admitted me over night to get inhalation therapy. The therapy consist of me sucking medicated air from a tube like pipe. The Kaiser location I went to is old and in fact they are building a new hospital. I knew I was in a bit a dilemma when they didn't ask me for any medical history. Once I got to my room which had a lovely view of LA, I thought OK I was breathing easier I could spend the night. As I lay in my bed I could hear conversations in the hallway in at least 4 different languages as the nurses and doctors went about their business of keeping people from sleeping. I felt like a stranger in a strange land.
The next morning a different therapist came in and introduced himself and chatted with me before he started my treatment. All of a sudden he asks me if I was a teacher. And I said no but why are you asking. He said I was so well spoken, with such good diction. I was puzzled and after thinking about it for a while I realized I was the only native English speaking person on that floor. In fact all the nurses and doctors come from foreign lands. So of course I sounded well spoken. English is my first language. I thought it was so hilarious.
I shared a room with an Armenian women who didn't speak much English so we didn't visit at all. But I enjoyed my view. Right across the street is the Center for Self Realization. It had a tall wall around it with metal lotus blossoms on each corner of. The blossoms were closed but there were two more inside the compound that were open. Guess they were self realized.
On the other side of the block was the Church of Scientology. It had a neon flashing a message from L. Ron Hubbard. I suddenly had the urge to sing the song Hotel California...such a lovely place...where you can check in but you can never check out.
Kaiser reminds me of how it was back in the mid 80's. It wasn't very good, poor quantity health care. But they are great now in Oregon. Maybe California will get with the program.
Still loving my job. Another pleasant aspect of my job is I talk to Tiana Dressel Julian Joan's daughter frequently. She works for the scooter store which is one of my accounts. She is such a wonderful girl and it is funny to be doing business with her.
I realize this is a rather rambling blog but the doctor put me on steroids for 7 days and one of the side effect is not sleeping. I have been up at since 2. Tomorrow is my last day so hopefully I will start sleeping again.
Michelle and Mike still haven't had the baby. They are going to induce labor Saturday night at 10 if she hasn't had the baby. They plan on naming her Brooklyn. I asked why not Manhattan? Oh well, little Brooklyn it will be. Will keep you all informed.
Love to you and yours,
The next morning a different therapist came in and introduced himself and chatted with me before he started my treatment. All of a sudden he asks me if I was a teacher. And I said no but why are you asking. He said I was so well spoken, with such good diction. I was puzzled and after thinking about it for a while I realized I was the only native English speaking person on that floor. In fact all the nurses and doctors come from foreign lands. So of course I sounded well spoken. English is my first language. I thought it was so hilarious.
I shared a room with an Armenian women who didn't speak much English so we didn't visit at all. But I enjoyed my view. Right across the street is the Center for Self Realization. It had a tall wall around it with metal lotus blossoms on each corner of. The blossoms were closed but there were two more inside the compound that were open. Guess they were self realized.
On the other side of the block was the Church of Scientology. It had a neon flashing a message from L. Ron Hubbard. I suddenly had the urge to sing the song Hotel California...such a lovely place...where you can check in but you can never check out.
Kaiser reminds me of how it was back in the mid 80's. It wasn't very good, poor quantity health care. But they are great now in Oregon. Maybe California will get with the program.
Still loving my job. Another pleasant aspect of my job is I talk to Tiana Dressel Julian Joan's daughter frequently. She works for the scooter store which is one of my accounts. She is such a wonderful girl and it is funny to be doing business with her.
I realize this is a rather rambling blog but the doctor put me on steroids for 7 days and one of the side effect is not sleeping. I have been up at since 2. Tomorrow is my last day so hopefully I will start sleeping again.
Michelle and Mike still haven't had the baby. They are going to induce labor Saturday night at 10 if she hasn't had the baby. They plan on naming her Brooklyn. I asked why not Manhattan? Oh well, little Brooklyn it will be. Will keep you all informed.
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Drinkin Wiine, Spo-Dee-O-Dee, Drinkin Wine
That is actually the title of a Sticks McGhee song sung around 1947. It should have been sung last night at a wine tasting event at our house. One of Diane's co-workers started a girls wine tasting club to meet once a month. So we hosted the kick off event last night in the back yard. Each person either brings wine or something to munch on. We tried to come up with a name but tabled it until the next meeting. One of the gals suggested the name Luscious Ladies. I thought wino's was a fitting name. Of course I was veto'd. I wasn't looking forward to it but I had a lot of fun. They are a diverse group of ladies and fortunately there were a couple of other women who were not knowledgeable about wine. After tasting a bunch of different wines I still don't care for wine but shhhhh don't tell the wine women or I will be banned.
It is very warm here about 92 degrees but I heard Oregon is having a heat wave too. It is lovely but very warm. Thank God for air conditioning.
I went shopping for the new baby and found a swing and several adorable pink outfits. It is so much fun shopping for baby girls. The swing is such a necessary item especially for a fussy baby. Mikey was very fussy so I told them to never run out of batteries.
My friend Steve and his partner are coming down to LA for Memorial weekend and I look forward to seeing them. I met Steve when I worked for Xerox. When he was hired his cube was next to mine and we had low walls. I kept looking over at him thinking I had seen him somewhere. I finally got it. He was featured on AM Northwest when the oldest son from the Brady Bunch came to town. Someone had called the show and told them about Steve's Brady Bunch collection. They unexpectedly rang his door bell and when he opened it there was Greg from the Brady Bunch. It was a pretty funny show as here were two grown men ogling all the trinkets Steve had collected. He was the one who initiated me to EBay.
Love to you and yours,
It is very warm here about 92 degrees but I heard Oregon is having a heat wave too. It is lovely but very warm. Thank God for air conditioning.
I went shopping for the new baby and found a swing and several adorable pink outfits. It is so much fun shopping for baby girls. The swing is such a necessary item especially for a fussy baby. Mikey was very fussy so I told them to never run out of batteries.
My friend Steve and his partner are coming down to LA for Memorial weekend and I look forward to seeing them. I met Steve when I worked for Xerox. When he was hired his cube was next to mine and we had low walls. I kept looking over at him thinking I had seen him somewhere. I finally got it. He was featured on AM Northwest when the oldest son from the Brady Bunch came to town. Someone had called the show and told them about Steve's Brady Bunch collection. They unexpectedly rang his door bell and when he opened it there was Greg from the Brady Bunch. It was a pretty funny show as here were two grown men ogling all the trinkets Steve had collected. He was the one who initiated me to EBay.
Love to you and yours,
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Pink Martini Concert
I just have to share my experience at the Pink Martini concert. Michelle decided she felt too pregnant to go so Mikey went with me complaining all the way. We stopped for dinner next to The Thousand Oaks Art Center and Mike, being his mother's child, struck up a conversation with another couple who were also going to the concert. In all there were about 8 couple in the restaurant going and Mike was pretty amazed the group is so popular. When we got into the center we struck up a conversation with a couple of guys in line. The son in law to the older gentleman is from Oregonian. His wife came up and she is an OB-GYN from Oregon City. They love Pink Martini and planned their vacation to her Dad's to coincide with the concert.
We had great seat in the second row. We were so close that we could see the sparkle in China Forbes eye shadow. The Oregon City couple sat in the right behind us and when the group came out on stage we started chanting "Oregon Oregon". So of course the band had to ask us where were from in Oregon. It was quite fun.
The band is coming back to Oregon to play 4 benefit concerts at the Crystal Ballroom. If any of you get a chance you should go. They are amazing. Their first song was an old Carmen Miranda song from 1938. Here is their website. http://www.pinkmartini.com/
You will not be disappointed. After Portland they go to Canada and then on to Europe where they are extremely popular.
Here is an excerpt from their web page that describes their music:
Both China Forbes and I come from multicultural families,” says founder and pianist Thomas M. Lauderdale, “and all of us in the band have studied different languages and music from different parts of the world. So inevitably, because everyone in the band contributes in the writing and arranging of songs, the repertoire is wildly diverse. At one moment, you feel like you’re in the middle of a samba parade in Rio de Janeiro, and in the next moment, you are suddenly in a French music hall of the 1930s
Mike conceded it was the best concert he has ever been attended. And way better then the last concert he and I went to.....Journey. I got tickets from Xerox and we sat in the skybox. Peter Frampton opened for Journey which is who I wanted to see. He and his talking guitar! But Pink Martini is absolutely wonderful and worth every penny.
On the way home Mike said he was totally amazed at how good this group is and the best part is they are from Portland. He even said I was pretty hip. Or maybe he said I was a hippie or had big hips. Anyway we had a ball and it was nice to have alone time with my son.
Let me know if you do go to the Crystal Ballroom and what you think.
Another website that you can check them out on is NPR http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4764792
Love to all
We had great seat in the second row. We were so close that we could see the sparkle in China Forbes eye shadow. The Oregon City couple sat in the right behind us and when the group came out on stage we started chanting "Oregon Oregon". So of course the band had to ask us where were from in Oregon. It was quite fun.
The band is coming back to Oregon to play 4 benefit concerts at the Crystal Ballroom. If any of you get a chance you should go. They are amazing. Their first song was an old Carmen Miranda song from 1938. Here is their website. http://www.pinkmartini.com/
You will not be disappointed. After Portland they go to Canada and then on to Europe where they are extremely popular.
Here is an excerpt from their web page that describes their music:
Both China Forbes and I come from multicultural families,” says founder and pianist Thomas M. Lauderdale, “and all of us in the band have studied different languages and music from different parts of the world. So inevitably, because everyone in the band contributes in the writing and arranging of songs, the repertoire is wildly diverse. At one moment, you feel like you’re in the middle of a samba parade in Rio de Janeiro, and in the next moment, you are suddenly in a French music hall of the 1930s
Mike conceded it was the best concert he has ever been attended. And way better then the last concert he and I went to.....Journey. I got tickets from Xerox and we sat in the skybox. Peter Frampton opened for Journey which is who I wanted to see. He and his talking guitar! But Pink Martini is absolutely wonderful and worth every penny.
On the way home Mike said he was totally amazed at how good this group is and the best part is they are from Portland. He even said I was pretty hip. Or maybe he said I was a hippie or had big hips. Anyway we had a ball and it was nice to have alone time with my son.
Let me know if you do go to the Crystal Ballroom and what you think.
Another website that you can check them out on is NPR http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4764792
Love to all
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saving Grace and Planting Basil
First off, planting soil has a heavy smell of cow manure so right now three dogs think I smell heavenly. Diane and I have been busy planting tomatoes, basil and other herbs. Not knowing the planting season in California I called a nursery that specialises in tomatoes to ask if it was too early to plant tomatoes. His response was, "what....you haven't planted them yet?" So we spent Sunday morning planting. With all the sun they should do real well. But I smell like cow manure.
Last week I was rushing to my bus stop as I thought I was running a little late. The light was red on the main street I needed to cross but there were no cars coming so I thought I would scoot across the street to get to stop. All of a sudden, out of nowhere came a the Burbank police car with their lights flashing and their loud speaker blaring, "DO NOT CROSS THE STREET ON A RED LIGHT". I couldn't believe I was getting busted while walking!!! Fortunately I did the blonde old Oregonian Grandma routine and he didn't give me as $80.00 ticket. And I didn't miss my bus but I was very embarrassed. I felt like a criminal especially since one of the people I visit with every morning is a high school girl. She got quite a kick out of seeing me get stopped. Not exactly setting a good example.
It is amazing how you get to be friends with people you meet on the bus. I have also gotten acquainted with an older women in her seventies who goes to the gym and then to her job at McDonald's. We get off at the same stop and always stop for a couple of seconds to complain about the surly bus driver. Then in the afternoon I visit with an Asian women who works in an accounting firm next to my work. And of course riding the bus gives me such an opportunity to people watch.
One afternoon a young man got on the bus with a huge garbage bag of stuff. He looked a little off so I tried not to make eye contact and continued to read my book. All of a sudden he turned on his radio and with total abandonment started singing 60's songs. At first I was a little irritated but then I saw the joy on his face and I realized he may be considered developmentally delayed but he knew every word to each song he sang. It was a valuable lesson on not being so quick to judge people.
I was at the coffee shop one morning having coffee before work when all of a sudden I thought I heard the police over the mega phone and thought they had decided to come give me that ticket. I looked out the window and saw they were filming an episode of Saving Grace. And I finally saw a celebrity. Saving Grace is on TNT although I don't watch it I recognized the star Holly Hunter sitting right across the street. So the small town girl from Dundee finally got to see a star!
We are on the baby countdown. Michelle is at the miserable stage. I told Mikey this is the point that he is to say yes mam, no mam to every thing she says. It wouldn't hurt to salute too. Otherwise she may grab him around the neck and strangle him. You just don't mess with a 8 month pregnant women.
Will keep you all advised
Love to you and yours,
Last week I was rushing to my bus stop as I thought I was running a little late. The light was red on the main street I needed to cross but there were no cars coming so I thought I would scoot across the street to get to stop. All of a sudden, out of nowhere came a the Burbank police car with their lights flashing and their loud speaker blaring, "DO NOT CROSS THE STREET ON A RED LIGHT". I couldn't believe I was getting busted while walking!!! Fortunately I did the blonde old Oregonian Grandma routine and he didn't give me as $80.00 ticket. And I didn't miss my bus but I was very embarrassed. I felt like a criminal especially since one of the people I visit with every morning is a high school girl. She got quite a kick out of seeing me get stopped. Not exactly setting a good example.
It is amazing how you get to be friends with people you meet on the bus. I have also gotten acquainted with an older women in her seventies who goes to the gym and then to her job at McDonald's. We get off at the same stop and always stop for a couple of seconds to complain about the surly bus driver. Then in the afternoon I visit with an Asian women who works in an accounting firm next to my work. And of course riding the bus gives me such an opportunity to people watch.
One afternoon a young man got on the bus with a huge garbage bag of stuff. He looked a little off so I tried not to make eye contact and continued to read my book. All of a sudden he turned on his radio and with total abandonment started singing 60's songs. At first I was a little irritated but then I saw the joy on his face and I realized he may be considered developmentally delayed but he knew every word to each song he sang. It was a valuable lesson on not being so quick to judge people.
I was at the coffee shop one morning having coffee before work when all of a sudden I thought I heard the police over the mega phone and thought they had decided to come give me that ticket. I looked out the window and saw they were filming an episode of Saving Grace. And I finally saw a celebrity. Saving Grace is on TNT although I don't watch it I recognized the star Holly Hunter sitting right across the street. So the small town girl from Dundee finally got to see a star!
We are on the baby countdown. Michelle is at the miserable stage. I told Mikey this is the point that he is to say yes mam, no mam to every thing she says. It wouldn't hurt to salute too. Otherwise she may grab him around the neck and strangle him. You just don't mess with a 8 month pregnant women.
Will keep you all advised
Love to you and yours,
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Pink Martini and Strawberry Fields Forever
I am sitting here listening to Pink Martini. I think they are just the best group and the fact that they came out of Portland certainly doesn't hurt. I just ordered their third CD from their website and saw that they will be in LA so I ordered two tickets and plan on taking Michelle. Sort of an early birthday present. She also likes them and I think will enjoy it as long as the "little girl" doesn't decide to make an early appearance. She is due June 10th. Her friends from Seattlle flew her up there for a baby shower last weekend. She said she got so many cute outfits for the baby.
My friend Linda just had her second grandchild. A little girl, well not so little as she weighed in over 10 pounds. Her Mom Megan is a tiny one so I imagine she was glad to pop that one out. They have named her October Rose but plan on calling her Toby. At first I was a bit taken back by the name but then I remembered when I was pregnant with Isaac and Dad was overseas in Korea. I was sure I would have a girl and was going to name her Strawberry Fields and nickname her shortcake. Well it was the 70's. But alas Dad came home early and we had a boy so no Shortcake. I did think it was funny that Mike went shopping for baby clothes and he came home with several adorable girlie outfits. One little dress had strawberries all over it. And he said it was for Strawberry Fields. Who said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Or in this case the strawberry doesn't fall far from the vine.
Sorry I missed last weeks blog. It just seemed I didn't have any stories to tell. I spent Saturday getting a pedicure and hair cut. This is my second pedicure and hair cut and I just can't seem to find someone that satisfies me. Mary Etta, tell that gal in Newberg I miss my pedicures. I did find a dollar book store. I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I found it. I came home with two big bags of books.
I sure enjoy my roommate Diane. She does the cooking and I clean and let me tell you I have the better of the deal. She is a wonderful cook. Last night she fixed a baked chicked seasoned with rum and ginger and was so delicious I wanted to eat the whole thing. She loves to cook and hates to clean so it works for us both.
Love to you and yours,
My friend Linda just had her second grandchild. A little girl, well not so little as she weighed in over 10 pounds. Her Mom Megan is a tiny one so I imagine she was glad to pop that one out. They have named her October Rose but plan on calling her Toby. At first I was a bit taken back by the name but then I remembered when I was pregnant with Isaac and Dad was overseas in Korea. I was sure I would have a girl and was going to name her Strawberry Fields and nickname her shortcake. Well it was the 70's. But alas Dad came home early and we had a boy so no Shortcake. I did think it was funny that Mike went shopping for baby clothes and he came home with several adorable girlie outfits. One little dress had strawberries all over it. And he said it was for Strawberry Fields. Who said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Or in this case the strawberry doesn't fall far from the vine.
Sorry I missed last weeks blog. It just seemed I didn't have any stories to tell. I spent Saturday getting a pedicure and hair cut. This is my second pedicure and hair cut and I just can't seem to find someone that satisfies me. Mary Etta, tell that gal in Newberg I miss my pedicures. I did find a dollar book store. I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I found it. I came home with two big bags of books.
I sure enjoy my roommate Diane. She does the cooking and I clean and let me tell you I have the better of the deal. She is a wonderful cook. Last night she fixed a baked chicked seasoned with rum and ginger and was so delicious I wanted to eat the whole thing. She loves to cook and hates to clean so it works for us both.
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, March 30, 2008
It Is Still A Small Small World
As you all know I work at Aramark Services in the uniform division which rents uniforms, towels, table linens and mops. A lot of our business is from restaurants. Last week I was covering the phones for someone on vacation when a lady called wanting to purchase some table linens for her catering business. When I asked for her phone she said 503 and I thought hum......then she said 538 and I thought what??? I asked for her name and when she said Sharon Wilhite I asked her if she remembered Carol Brown class of 64. She did and we both laughed at what a small world we live in. So if anyone needs catering call Sharon. She lives in Dundee.
Well I am all moved in. My roommate is just delightful and I really think I will enjoy living here. Her three dogs seem to like me so all is good. And I am sure Mike and Michelle were celebrating last night that the old hag was gone!!! At least Maddie, the puppy, will miss me.
Jo, this is for you!! You have been such an inspiration to me with your determination that in a moment of madness I signed up for the Revlon 5K Walk/Run for Breast Cancer Research. I can barely walk 3 blocks without huffing and puffing but I am determined that on May 10th I will complete that 5K walk. I start training today. There is a bike path in front of the house so each day I plan on increasing the length of of my walk. Heck maybe next year instead of walking I can run. That will be nothing short of a miracle. And since I have posted this goal in my blog I think it will to hold me accountable. Will keep you all posted.
Love to you and yours,
Well I am all moved in. My roommate is just delightful and I really think I will enjoy living here. Her three dogs seem to like me so all is good. And I am sure Mike and Michelle were celebrating last night that the old hag was gone!!! At least Maddie, the puppy, will miss me.
Jo, this is for you!! You have been such an inspiration to me with your determination that in a moment of madness I signed up for the Revlon 5K Walk/Run for Breast Cancer Research. I can barely walk 3 blocks without huffing and puffing but I am determined that on May 10th I will complete that 5K walk. I start training today. There is a bike path in front of the house so each day I plan on increasing the length of of my walk. Heck maybe next year instead of walking I can run. That will be nothing short of a miracle. And since I have posted this goal in my blog I think it will to hold me accountable. Will keep you all posted.
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, March 23, 2008
It's A Small Small World
This has been a most uneventful week in Burbank. A new gal started at work and just to show you it is a small, small world she told me her mother grew up in Canby Minnesota. Which is the home of Michelle, Mike's wife. Canby is a small town of about 1500 people so the odds of meeting someone from Canby are slim to none. It reminded me of when years and years ago we lived in Panama and someone asked me where I was from. When I told them Dundee Oregon they chuckled and said "Oh, the speed trap of Oregon".
When I grew up in Dundee there was a state policeman that lived there and he was legendary in stopping people. After he moved away Marilyn Lenhart's Dad would park across the street from the Dundee Grade School in his red City of Dundee truck in the mornings and afternoon. He couldn't write tickets but I don't think most drivers realized it so they automatically would slow down, keeping the city of Dundee's children safe when they walked to and from school.
I want to wish Happy Easter to all my friends. I hope you are eating lots of chocolate Easter Bunnies!!!
Love to you and yours,
When I grew up in Dundee there was a state policeman that lived there and he was legendary in stopping people. After he moved away Marilyn Lenhart's Dad would park across the street from the Dundee Grade School in his red City of Dundee truck in the mornings and afternoon. He couldn't write tickets but I don't think most drivers realized it so they automatically would slow down, keeping the city of Dundee's children safe when they walked to and from school.
I want to wish Happy Easter to all my friends. I hope you are eating lots of chocolate Easter Bunnies!!!
Love to you and yours,
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Cookie Cookie Lend Me Your Tort
Last Saturday I went over and interviewed with the lady who had a room for rent. She is simply delightful and I know I am going to enjoy living in her home. She has three puppies (really old dogs) but I call them puppies to boost their ego. They will keep me from missing Maddie so much. Diane asked me over for dinner on Tuesday to meet the other roommate who may or may not be moving to Oregon. When I got there at 7 Diane asked me if I had someone drop off a fruit tort. It seems a young girl came to the door at 6 asking if she was Diane and if so Cookie was sending a tort and would be over at 7. She then shoved a bakery box at Diane and scooted off. Diane knew my daughter-in-law was six months pregnant and this girl was skinny as a rail. She thought maybe my nickname was cookie i.e. Mrs. Fields Cookies. It was all a great mystery and the tort was delicious even though we joked around about Diane needing to take the first bite. Diane's best friend also came over for dinner and the four of us had a wonderful time laughing, drinking wine and talking around the dinner table for several hours. It made me realize how much I missed my friends and our girl talk.
Celebrity Watch of the Week: Diane's friend was mentioning her husband was going to go out of town to sound film a movie. It seems Clint will only have him doing the sound. That is in Clint Eastwood. I sort of have an out of body experience when people mention stars in their personal conversations. I forget this is Hollywood...dadadadada Hollywood.
Mike, Mitchell and Maddie went to the mountains this weekend so I have had the house to myself. I spent Saturday driving around Burbank resale shops, getting lost, somehow driving by the Los Angeles Zoo and Gene Autry museum. Wonder if a stuffed Trigger was inside or is that Roy Rogers. I finally clicked my heels twice and repeated I want to go home and found my self back in Burbank.
The more I see of Burbank the better I like it. The homes here are very different. Many of the older homes have small apartments behind that they rent out. And the architecture is amazing. You see Spanish and Italian style home reminiscent of villas in Spain or Italy. And other homes look like cottages should be near a bog in Ireland. It all makes Burbank a charming small town and doesn't compare to Los Angeles itself. There is virtually no crime so if one has to live in California I think this is the place to live. But there is a price to pay for that security.
Every morning when I get up and stumble out to the kitchen to make coffee I hear the singing of birds. It is so diffent then Oregon birds. One of these days I am going to get a California bird book and try to figure out which bird are serenading me in the mornings. It is quite lovely. It almost has a tropical sound to it. What I really need is a book that has point and play. I point to a picture and it plays the sound of the bird. Wonder if they have them.
Well I must go and turn the heat on as it is quite chilly this morning. About 60 degrees.
Love to you and yours
Celebrity Watch of the Week: Diane's friend was mentioning her husband was going to go out of town to sound film a movie. It seems Clint will only have him doing the sound. That is in Clint Eastwood. I sort of have an out of body experience when people mention stars in their personal conversations. I forget this is Hollywood...dadadadada Hollywood.
Mike, Mitchell and Maddie went to the mountains this weekend so I have had the house to myself. I spent Saturday driving around Burbank resale shops, getting lost, somehow driving by the Los Angeles Zoo and Gene Autry museum. Wonder if a stuffed Trigger was inside or is that Roy Rogers. I finally clicked my heels twice and repeated I want to go home and found my self back in Burbank.
The more I see of Burbank the better I like it. The homes here are very different. Many of the older homes have small apartments behind that they rent out. And the architecture is amazing. You see Spanish and Italian style home reminiscent of villas in Spain or Italy. And other homes look like cottages should be near a bog in Ireland. It all makes Burbank a charming small town and doesn't compare to Los Angeles itself. There is virtually no crime so if one has to live in California I think this is the place to live. But there is a price to pay for that security.
Every morning when I get up and stumble out to the kitchen to make coffee I hear the singing of birds. It is so diffent then Oregon birds. One of these days I am going to get a California bird book and try to figure out which bird are serenading me in the mornings. It is quite lovely. It almost has a tropical sound to it. What I really need is a book that has point and play. I point to a picture and it plays the sound of the bird. Wonder if they have them.
Well I must go and turn the heat on as it is quite chilly this morning. About 60 degrees.
Love to you and yours
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Every day on my way to and from work I pass a high-toned hair and nail salon and a psychic fortuneteller. Sandwiched in between the two shops is a Colonic Hydro Therapy business. As if the idea of getting your nails and hair done plus finding out what your future will bring is not enough you can get colon hydro therapy. Their advertising just kills me every time I pass. In their big picture window are curvy tubes with bubbles going up and down them much like the old fashioned Christmas lights that bubbled.
I guess I am just not sure in what order you should be doing it all. Do you get your hair and nails done then your colon, finishing with the psychic? I just can't imagine going to have colon hydro therapy on a busy street in down town Burbank. It just seems so public. Who does that anyway? Fortunately I haven't met anyone who has shared that they regulary get their colon cleansed in a store front.
This past week has been beautiful. Very sunny and about 75 degrees. I am wearing sandal and summer clothes to work and I noticed in the elevator that everyone else had their winter shoes and coats on. I guess I was jumping the gun but it feels like summer to me. And anything over 70 degrees is sandal weather. Also since I am from Oregon my fellow co-workers give me a fashion break. They are still laughing about me walking in the rain without an umbrella. Distainfully, I told them Oregonian's don't own umbrellas. And that possibly we would hold a newspaper over our heads if we had to walk more then six blocks in the rain. I didn't tell them about the galoshes. Somehow I suspect they would be horrified.
On the celebrity watch, Michelle went to lunch in some chichi restaurant in Hollywood with her Naptser co-workers and saw Larry King having lunch at the next table. It is such the norm here to see celebrities.
I am going to see a lady tomorrow who is renting a bed and bath in her home in Burbank. She is around my age and has a roommate who is moving to Oregon. She is looking for someone quiet and mature and was very excited when I answered her ad on Craigslist. I will let you all know how that turns out. We talked on the phone and exchanged emails and seemed to hit it off. She has three dogs so I won't miss Maddie so much.
Michelle and Mikey's pregnancy is going very well so we will have a girl this June. I can't wait.
Speaking of grandchildren I am always amazed at the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. What would shock and displease us in our children is just darling in our grandchildren. I was talking on the phone to Abyah who was in the car with Isaac, Jenny and Jaclyn. She was so sweet telling me all about school in this little soft genteel voice when she "farted" and broke out in a cackling laugh while everyone in the car groaned and rolled down the windows.
It is so good to read everyones comments to my blog.
Love and Miss you all
Until we meet again
I guess I am just not sure in what order you should be doing it all. Do you get your hair and nails done then your colon, finishing with the psychic? I just can't imagine going to have colon hydro therapy on a busy street in down town Burbank. It just seems so public. Who does that anyway? Fortunately I haven't met anyone who has shared that they regulary get their colon cleansed in a store front.
This past week has been beautiful. Very sunny and about 75 degrees. I am wearing sandal and summer clothes to work and I noticed in the elevator that everyone else had their winter shoes and coats on. I guess I was jumping the gun but it feels like summer to me. And anything over 70 degrees is sandal weather. Also since I am from Oregon my fellow co-workers give me a fashion break. They are still laughing about me walking in the rain without an umbrella. Distainfully, I told them Oregonian's don't own umbrellas. And that possibly we would hold a newspaper over our heads if we had to walk more then six blocks in the rain. I didn't tell them about the galoshes. Somehow I suspect they would be horrified.
On the celebrity watch, Michelle went to lunch in some chichi restaurant in Hollywood with her Naptser co-workers and saw Larry King having lunch at the next table. It is such the norm here to see celebrities.
I am going to see a lady tomorrow who is renting a bed and bath in her home in Burbank. She is around my age and has a roommate who is moving to Oregon. She is looking for someone quiet and mature and was very excited when I answered her ad on Craigslist. I will let you all know how that turns out. We talked on the phone and exchanged emails and seemed to hit it off. She has three dogs so I won't miss Maddie so much.
Michelle and Mikey's pregnancy is going very well so we will have a girl this June. I can't wait.
Speaking of grandchildren I am always amazed at the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. What would shock and displease us in our children is just darling in our grandchildren. I was talking on the phone to Abyah who was in the car with Isaac, Jenny and Jaclyn. She was so sweet telling me all about school in this little soft genteel voice when she "farted" and broke out in a cackling laugh while everyone in the car groaned and rolled down the windows.
It is so good to read everyones comments to my blog.
Love and Miss you all
Until we meet again
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sun Shine Sun Shine Sun Shine Phoey!!!
Another week in sunnyville... Nothing too exciting has happened this week in Burbank. The writer's stike is over and I know they are glad to get back to work. I have met several spouses of the writers and they told me they have been feeling the economic crunch. Especially the younger writers with college debts to pay off. On the selfish side I miss my fav shows so will be glad when they are back in production.
I am still loving my job. I think I feel so comfortable at Aramark because it is a large corporation like Xerox.
I am always surprised at how different some of the people are here. I overheard one of the girls complaining about her car payment of $675. a month. Yikes! The cost of living is tremendous here and I certainly haven't figured out just how people survive. Appearances are very important in California. Tummy tucks, liposuction and $800 purses are the norm. If you can't afford to buy a name purse you rent them. Since I am not very motivated to loose weight I wonder if they could just install a couple of zippers on me and suck out the fat every once in a while. It does surprise me that so many people smoke here. As concerned as they are about health and appearances smoking seems to be very much in vogue. Along with the cost of everything else I wonder how they can afford the cost of cigarettes.
Michelle is looking very pregnant although she still has until June 10th. According to the doctor her pregnancy is going very well. They know it is a girl so they are buying pink and trying to come up with a name. Of course I am delighted to have another granddaughter on the way. When they do the ultrasounds they give you a CD so I have had the pleasure of watching her swim around flailing her little arms and legs. It was quite entertaining so watch her kick off from the sides of uterous wall. Both Mike and Michelle were athletes so I am sure this little girl will kick, pass, hit or throw a ball quite well. She and Mikey are very excited. It is going to be very interesting to see how Maddie is going to accept the baby. Maddie is very much the house princess puppie so we are all wondering how she is going to accept competition.
I am sure you have all been watching the election. It has been very interesting and I wonder who will run as VP with Clinton or Obama. I can't see either one of them considering runing as the VP so I wonder if it will be Edwards.
The local PBS stations runs hour long episodes of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson show. I remember once thinking David and Ricky were so dishy. Now I see them as cute kids looking so dapper in their suits and sweater jackets with ties worn all the time. It is fun to watch that hour of Ozzie and Harriet to set the tone for my Sunday evening.
Well I certainly don't have any intesting news. Miss you all
I am still loving my job. I think I feel so comfortable at Aramark because it is a large corporation like Xerox.
I am always surprised at how different some of the people are here. I overheard one of the girls complaining about her car payment of $675. a month. Yikes! The cost of living is tremendous here and I certainly haven't figured out just how people survive. Appearances are very important in California. Tummy tucks, liposuction and $800 purses are the norm. If you can't afford to buy a name purse you rent them. Since I am not very motivated to loose weight I wonder if they could just install a couple of zippers on me and suck out the fat every once in a while. It does surprise me that so many people smoke here. As concerned as they are about health and appearances smoking seems to be very much in vogue. Along with the cost of everything else I wonder how they can afford the cost of cigarettes.
Michelle is looking very pregnant although she still has until June 10th. According to the doctor her pregnancy is going very well. They know it is a girl so they are buying pink and trying to come up with a name. Of course I am delighted to have another granddaughter on the way. When they do the ultrasounds they give you a CD so I have had the pleasure of watching her swim around flailing her little arms and legs. It was quite entertaining so watch her kick off from the sides of uterous wall. Both Mike and Michelle were athletes so I am sure this little girl will kick, pass, hit or throw a ball quite well. She and Mikey are very excited. It is going to be very interesting to see how Maddie is going to accept the baby. Maddie is very much the house princess puppie so we are all wondering how she is going to accept competition.
I am sure you have all been watching the election. It has been very interesting and I wonder who will run as VP with Clinton or Obama. I can't see either one of them considering runing as the VP so I wonder if it will be Edwards.
The local PBS stations runs hour long episodes of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson show. I remember once thinking David and Ricky were so dishy. Now I see them as cute kids looking so dapper in their suits and sweater jackets with ties worn all the time. It is fun to watch that hour of Ozzie and Harriet to set the tone for my Sunday evening.
Well I certainly don't have any intesting news. Miss you all
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Value of Friends
Some times when you make a leap of faith you fall a long way. That has certainly been the past few months. I have been free falling but I think I am slowly making a landing. I certainly don't regret spending a couple of months with Jaclyn and Abyah. But living in someone else's home and being dependent on them creates a whole new world of stress. And with that stress comes depression. I tend to become reclusive from everyone until I can turn the situation around. When my life is so negative I don't want to talk to anyone. I guess it is like the old adage that if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.
Thankfully I have found a dream job. I knew it was going to be good when I walked into the reception area and the receptionist was in her late 50's or 60's. And the employee standing talking to her had to be in her sixties. And when the women who started training me turned out to be 65 I knew it was going to be good. I am working at Aramark in the uniforms division. I will be working on the projects team which means I won't be on the phone taking 100 calls a day. Which in it self is a blessing. I have had such a problem finding a job here that I feel very fortunate to have landed here.
Mikey and I went to an over 55 complex that is just a few block from my job and I got put on the waiting list. It is quite nice and they have lots of activities and I am determined to take advantage of them.
Andy came down to celebrate his 40th and Mikey's 30 birthday. They had originally planned to go to Arizona but changed their minds so Andy came here which was nice so I could see him. But after four days with both boys I know why rabbits eat their young. Or as my mother in law used to say, glad twice ..... glad to see them and glad to see them go.
Surprisingly we have had lots of rain lately. It is rather amusing how Angelanos behave in the rain. You sure don't want to be on the freeway with them. But the last couple of days have been clear and sunny and I think about 80 degrees.
I am going to post to this blog on Sundays. So stay tuned. Know that I love and miss you all. And keep a kind heart towards me.
Thankfully I have found a dream job. I knew it was going to be good when I walked into the reception area and the receptionist was in her late 50's or 60's. And the employee standing talking to her had to be in her sixties. And when the women who started training me turned out to be 65 I knew it was going to be good. I am working at Aramark in the uniforms division. I will be working on the projects team which means I won't be on the phone taking 100 calls a day. Which in it self is a blessing. I have had such a problem finding a job here that I feel very fortunate to have landed here.
Mikey and I went to an over 55 complex that is just a few block from my job and I got put on the waiting list. It is quite nice and they have lots of activities and I am determined to take advantage of them.
Andy came down to celebrate his 40th and Mikey's 30 birthday. They had originally planned to go to Arizona but changed their minds so Andy came here which was nice so I could see him. But after four days with both boys I know why rabbits eat their young. Or as my mother in law used to say, glad twice ..... glad to see them and glad to see them go.
Surprisingly we have had lots of rain lately. It is rather amusing how Angelanos behave in the rain. You sure don't want to be on the freeway with them. But the last couple of days have been clear and sunny and I think about 80 degrees.
I am going to post to this blog on Sundays. So stay tuned. Know that I love and miss you all. And keep a kind heart towards me.
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