Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed

Little Brooklyn finally decided to make an appearance. She was born about 1:30 AM Saturday on the 14th. I was going to wait at home until she was born but couldn't stand it so I drove to Cedar Sinai around nine. Thank God for GPS or I would never have made it. Mike and Michelle went to the hospital at 5pm Friday afternoon. Michelle had a relatively easy time, good drugs, only had to push for about a 1/2 an hour. In fact the doctor didn't even have time to put her gloves on before she caught the 9 pound 3 ounce baby. She has lots of dark hair, and chubby cheeks. I think she looks like Jaclyn did when she was born. She was very awake and looking around. She topped the tests charts which is no wonder with such smarty pants parents. I was so surprised how awake and aware she was. She was really looking around and tracking with her eyes. She has the Field's nose and a little cupid bow mouth and is quite lovely. She certainly has the Fields' appetite. She was smacking her lips and making little sucking noises. Right now she has lavender eyes but it is hard to tell if they will go brown or stay that lovely purple color. I told her about all the fun slumber parties we would have and how my job was to spoil her. My promise to her is her first Barbie doll and prom dress. I think I feel a spending spree at Toys R Us coming up.

I was so glad I went to the hospital. Even though I was in the waiting room, seeing the look on Mikey's face when he came out and told me she was born was priceless. He cut the umbilical cord and everything. It is amazing to see the transformation in my sons as they become fathers. I am glad I was there and I think Mike was glad I was there to share it.

Michelle was on the phone to her parents when I came in the room and met my new Grandbaby and her parents said they were so jealous. This is their first grandchild. But they are flying in on the 18th and will soon see her. I know it will be so hard for them when they go back to Minnesota.

I am exhausted as I didn't get home until 4 and had to be out of the house for a hair appointment at 8:30. Mike is picking me up at four to go back to the hospital so I guess I will rest tonight.

I will post pictures as soon as Mikey emails them to me in the next couple of days.

Love to you and yours,


Anonymous said...

ooohhh...carol...that is so wonderful your granbaby got here! everything seemed to go so well. cant wait to see the photos. congratulate them for me. it is waaaay cool,
mary etta

JO said...

Hi Carol...Grandma!

Congratulations on your new granddaughter. I am so glad that you live there so you could enjoy the special time of Brooklyn being born. And it will be so nice for you to be able to babysit! Looking forward to seeing the pictures.

It is about time you got back to your blog! Don't wait so long in between blogging. I always wonder what you are up to. Hope your job and living arrangements are still going well.

Have fun and do what grandparents are supposed to do....spoil their grandchildren!

Love, JO

Anonymous said...

Wow! That flew by. Seems like last week you were sitting in Islands with us talking about "in a month"! Congratulations on the new grandbaby. I know how much you will be spoiling her. It was so good to see you and the only bad side effect is it makes me wish you were closer!
