Thursday, June 12, 2008

Well Spoken With Good Diction

I have to apologize for my lapse in blogging. For the past month I have had a low grade headache and have felt run down. To make a long story short I ended out at Kaiser ER a week ago Tuesday. I woke up on Monday and couldn't breath. By Tuesday I was in real distress so Mikey drove me to the ER where they admitted me over night to get inhalation therapy. The therapy consist of me sucking medicated air from a tube like pipe. The Kaiser location I went to is old and in fact they are building a new hospital. I knew I was in a bit a dilemma when they didn't ask me for any medical history. Once I got to my room which had a lovely view of LA, I thought OK I was breathing easier I could spend the night. As I lay in my bed I could hear conversations in the hallway in at least 4 different languages as the nurses and doctors went about their business of keeping people from sleeping. I felt like a stranger in a strange land.

The next morning a different therapist came in and introduced himself and chatted with me before he started my treatment. All of a sudden he asks me if I was a teacher. And I said no but why are you asking. He said I was so well spoken, with such good diction. I was puzzled and after thinking about it for a while I realized I was the only native English speaking person on that floor. In fact all the nurses and doctors come from foreign lands. So of course I sounded well spoken. English is my first language. I thought it was so hilarious.

I shared a room with an Armenian women who didn't speak much English so we didn't visit at all. But I enjoyed my view. Right across the street is the Center for Self Realization. It had a tall wall around it with metal lotus blossoms on each corner of. The blossoms were closed but there were two more inside the compound that were open. Guess they were self realized.

On the other side of the block was the Church of Scientology. It had a neon flashing a message from L. Ron Hubbard. I suddenly had the urge to sing the song Hotel California...such a lovely place...where you can check in but you can never check out.

Kaiser reminds me of how it was back in the mid 80's. It wasn't very good, poor quantity health care. But they are great now in Oregon. Maybe California will get with the program.

Still loving my job. Another pleasant aspect of my job is I talk to Tiana Dressel Julian Joan's daughter frequently. She works for the scooter store which is one of my accounts. She is such a wonderful girl and it is funny to be doing business with her.

I realize this is a rather rambling blog but the doctor put me on steroids for 7 days and one of the side effect is not sleeping. I have been up at since 2. Tomorrow is my last day so hopefully I will start sleeping again.

Michelle and Mike still haven't had the baby. They are going to induce labor Saturday night at 10 if she hasn't had the baby. They plan on naming her Brooklyn. I asked why not Manhattan? Oh well, little Brooklyn it will be. Will keep you all informed.

Love to you and yours,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sure glad your feeling better...quite an experience with great observations. you should be proud of your diction btw. hmmmm...brooklyn, huh? the lyn part is named after you! carol lyn brown(fields). they will probably call her brookie for short. (just kidding). that "hotel california" line is cute....well post on sunday and tell us about the excited for them!
mary etta