Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I went to Sacramento last weekend to see the girls and be there while Isaac had his back surgery. Which went well by the way. I recently visited a website that described "Letterboxing". People hide a "treasure" then leave clues on a website for people to follow then find the "treasure". Apparently "Letterboxing" it is quite widespread around the world. So in the spirit of adventure Jenny, the girls and I spent Sunday going on our first treasure hunt. Armed with the clues we spent the first hour and a half hiking through the woods and digging around trees and under rocks. Since we weren't getting any where we decided to go back to the car to reconnoiter. Re-reading the clues we realized we had not followed them. We found the start of the trail not the end where we had been searching and after about an hour Jac and Abyah found the buried treasure. It was a log book where you write your name and date then rebury. We had written a quick letter telling a little about ourselves which we added to the treasure. Actually it was a tupperware bowl sealed in several sealed plastic baggies. We had so much fun!!! This is a great activity for children and I highly recommend it. It would be a great activity for a birthday party or a grandparent-grandchild adventure. Jac and Bubba want to do their own treasure hunt so they are going to ask Grandpa Brisco (Jenny's Dad) to help them find a good location on public land to hide their own "treasure". Then Jac will write the clues and put them online at the website. Here is the website that describes letterboxing and where you find the "treasure hunts" in your area. We will do one each time I go to visit.
I am looking forward to our class reunion. It is hard to imagine we have been out of high school for 45 years. I don't feel that old. But it will be fun to get together with old friends.
Brooklyn gets cuter every day. Living in Mike and Michelles "backyard" I see Brookie everyday. After a day at work I love playing with her. She is so good natured and happy that the stresses of the day melt away.
Mike had a big shock Friday. The company he had worked for for 9 years, Empire Pacific Windows, fired him. Unfortunately I could see the writing on the wall a year ago when Mike had his boss over for dinner. I seldom use the "race card" but I told Michael then to watch himself because his boss was a serious racist and that no amount of selling windows would save his job. And unfortunately I was right. After being transferred to LA Mike has consistently built up a business with no help from his company. They refused to spend any marketing dollars to make their prominence known. Mike has sold almost a million dollars in windows in the past year and after developing business relationships with contractors and window vendors he was asked to turn over his territory to another sales rep well known for his sales of cocaine rather then windows. Mike was given a new territory.....Compton. He already has several job offers pending so he will be all right. The unethical business practices of companies for the past eight years must be turned around by our new president. Countless lives have been changed by the past eight years of malice against the American people brought about by criminals pretending to be elected officials. I thought the shame of the 60's, Vietnam, taught us to be less trusting of our government but nothing prepared us for the reign of terror the Bush family and his cronies, the oil companies and financial institutions inflicted on the American people. They had no responsibilities except to line their pockets with the souls of the American populace. I know we are looking to Obama to be our Savior but it will take many years to undo what the Bushite's reign of greed has done to America. I suppose there are still a few who may look at the Republican party with favor but they need only look at their 401K plan to see how much he cared for the people who wanted him elected.
Love to you and yours,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

carol..wow! mike will do well in spite of his job loss. i just watched the inauguration....quite inspiring. things are getting better, now, for sure. i will ck out the web site for the treasure hunt.
glad isaaks surgery went well.