Sunday, June 29, 2008

Summer Time And The Living Is Easy

Summer finally hit in Burbank. It was over 110 degrees for several days and that is hot for an Oregon girl. Thankfully the temperature dropped to the mid 80's last week but we are going to be in the 90's today. I made a huge discovery that cotton bras are a necessity in such extreme temperatures. I ordered several at the website for Just My Size and just received them. They aren't the greatest for support but are sooooo comfortable. I don't feel so sticky and hot.

We spent the last couple of days gardening and upholstering dining room chairs. Last week we stopped at a garage sale and Diane found a great buy on a food processor. And my "Garage Sale Queen" eyes saw some curtain panels in a rich cranberry/tan stripe. There were also solid cranberry panels. I asked the lady how much they were and she said $10.00 for the lot. After conferring with Diane we bought them, came home and replaced the green checked cafe curtains in the dining room. What a difference it made. We are using the solid cranberry panels for the dining room chairs. The effect is stunning and goes so well with her new remodeled kitchen.

Life in Burbank is great. Last night we sat under the newly installed fan on the covered patio and had a delicious dinner while 60's music played on the radio. And this morning we had coffee on the other patio and read the Sunday paper. It is just too relaxing. Of course Diane, being the exercise freak she is, had to go walk the dogs then ride her bike for several hours. Meanwhile I sipped coffee, read the paper and listened to all the song birds. What a life.

Spent last Thursday evening with Brooklyn. She is just the most cuddly baby. She loves to be held and feed a bottle. I am enjoying Baby B as her Grandfather calls her. Michelle's Mom and Dad came out from Minnesota and spent a week with their first Grandchild. I went over for a BBQ and we good naturedly fought over who was going to hold her. I acquiesced as I knew how hard it was going to be for Dawn and Dennis to leave her at the end of the week. I still think there should be a law that Grandchildren are prohibited from living more then 5 miles from their Grandparents.

Dawn and Dennis have a farm in Canby Minnesota where they raise breeder cows or maybe it is bulls or steers. What do I know, we had sheep! Canby has about 1500 people and was a good place to grow up according to Michelle. Her Grandparents also live on the farm so were always available. Michelle being the first grandchild holds a very special place in their hearts and now Brooklyn is the first girl great grandchild. The Grandparents came out for their wedding so I was able to meet them. Great Grandma made several lovely things for the baby and will be keepsakes for Baby B. Good thing because this Nana has no talent for making anything .

Mike and Michelle are taking to parenthood like ducks to water. Michelle told me that she couldn't imagine being a parent and now she can't imagine being without Brooklyn. She is a great mother. I am so lucky my daughter in laws are wonderful mother. I couldn't ask for better!

After I had held Brooklyn and eaten pizza Mike told me it was time to go. He was tired of sharing Brooklyn with Grandparents. He is a great Dad. He gave Brooklyn her first bath and changes diapers like a pro.

I am flying to Sacramento on August 6th to spend time with Jaclyn and Abyah. Jac turns 11 on August 13th. It is so hard to realize she is so grown up. She starts middle school this year. And knowing she is almost a teenager makes me a little nervous. But Isaac and Jenny are so involved in their lives it will be extremely difficult for the girls to take a wrong turn. Thank God. Abyah will be in third grade and last year told everyone to call her Aby. But little Aby Fields will always be Bubba to me. Her father started calling her that because she looked huge when she was born. And all the family calls her that. So it is Jac, Bubba and Baby B, my granddaughters. Life is good.

Love to you and yours,
Nana Carol

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed

Little Brooklyn finally decided to make an appearance. She was born about 1:30 AM Saturday on the 14th. I was going to wait at home until she was born but couldn't stand it so I drove to Cedar Sinai around nine. Thank God for GPS or I would never have made it. Mike and Michelle went to the hospital at 5pm Friday afternoon. Michelle had a relatively easy time, good drugs, only had to push for about a 1/2 an hour. In fact the doctor didn't even have time to put her gloves on before she caught the 9 pound 3 ounce baby. She has lots of dark hair, and chubby cheeks. I think she looks like Jaclyn did when she was born. She was very awake and looking around. She topped the tests charts which is no wonder with such smarty pants parents. I was so surprised how awake and aware she was. She was really looking around and tracking with her eyes. She has the Field's nose and a little cupid bow mouth and is quite lovely. She certainly has the Fields' appetite. She was smacking her lips and making little sucking noises. Right now she has lavender eyes but it is hard to tell if they will go brown or stay that lovely purple color. I told her about all the fun slumber parties we would have and how my job was to spoil her. My promise to her is her first Barbie doll and prom dress. I think I feel a spending spree at Toys R Us coming up.

I was so glad I went to the hospital. Even though I was in the waiting room, seeing the look on Mikey's face when he came out and told me she was born was priceless. He cut the umbilical cord and everything. It is amazing to see the transformation in my sons as they become fathers. I am glad I was there and I think Mike was glad I was there to share it.

Michelle was on the phone to her parents when I came in the room and met my new Grandbaby and her parents said they were so jealous. This is their first grandchild. But they are flying in on the 18th and will soon see her. I know it will be so hard for them when they go back to Minnesota.

I am exhausted as I didn't get home until 4 and had to be out of the house for a hair appointment at 8:30. Mike is picking me up at four to go back to the hospital so I guess I will rest tonight.

I will post pictures as soon as Mikey emails them to me in the next couple of days.

Love to you and yours,

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Well Spoken With Good Diction

I have to apologize for my lapse in blogging. For the past month I have had a low grade headache and have felt run down. To make a long story short I ended out at Kaiser ER a week ago Tuesday. I woke up on Monday and couldn't breath. By Tuesday I was in real distress so Mikey drove me to the ER where they admitted me over night to get inhalation therapy. The therapy consist of me sucking medicated air from a tube like pipe. The Kaiser location I went to is old and in fact they are building a new hospital. I knew I was in a bit a dilemma when they didn't ask me for any medical history. Once I got to my room which had a lovely view of LA, I thought OK I was breathing easier I could spend the night. As I lay in my bed I could hear conversations in the hallway in at least 4 different languages as the nurses and doctors went about their business of keeping people from sleeping. I felt like a stranger in a strange land.

The next morning a different therapist came in and introduced himself and chatted with me before he started my treatment. All of a sudden he asks me if I was a teacher. And I said no but why are you asking. He said I was so well spoken, with such good diction. I was puzzled and after thinking about it for a while I realized I was the only native English speaking person on that floor. In fact all the nurses and doctors come from foreign lands. So of course I sounded well spoken. English is my first language. I thought it was so hilarious.

I shared a room with an Armenian women who didn't speak much English so we didn't visit at all. But I enjoyed my view. Right across the street is the Center for Self Realization. It had a tall wall around it with metal lotus blossoms on each corner of. The blossoms were closed but there were two more inside the compound that were open. Guess they were self realized.

On the other side of the block was the Church of Scientology. It had a neon flashing a message from L. Ron Hubbard. I suddenly had the urge to sing the song Hotel California...such a lovely place...where you can check in but you can never check out.

Kaiser reminds me of how it was back in the mid 80's. It wasn't very good, poor quantity health care. But they are great now in Oregon. Maybe California will get with the program.

Still loving my job. Another pleasant aspect of my job is I talk to Tiana Dressel Julian Joan's daughter frequently. She works for the scooter store which is one of my accounts. She is such a wonderful girl and it is funny to be doing business with her.

I realize this is a rather rambling blog but the doctor put me on steroids for 7 days and one of the side effect is not sleeping. I have been up at since 2. Tomorrow is my last day so hopefully I will start sleeping again.

Michelle and Mike still haven't had the baby. They are going to induce labor Saturday night at 10 if she hasn't had the baby. They plan on naming her Brooklyn. I asked why not Manhattan? Oh well, little Brooklyn it will be. Will keep you all informed.

Love to you and yours,