Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saving Grace and Planting Basil

First off, planting soil has a heavy smell of cow manure so right now three dogs think I smell heavenly. Diane and I have been busy planting tomatoes, basil and other herbs. Not knowing the planting season in California I called a nursery that specialises in tomatoes to ask if it was too early to plant tomatoes. His response was, " haven't planted them yet?" So we spent Sunday morning planting. With all the sun they should do real well. But I smell like cow manure.

Last week I was rushing to my bus stop as I thought I was running a little late. The light was red on the main street I needed to cross but there were no cars coming so I thought I would scoot across the street to get to stop. All of a sudden, out of nowhere came a the Burbank police car with their lights flashing and their loud speaker blaring, "DO NOT CROSS THE STREET ON A RED LIGHT". I couldn't believe I was getting busted while walking!!! Fortunately I did the blonde old Oregonian Grandma routine and he didn't give me as $80.00 ticket. And I didn't miss my bus but I was very embarrassed. I felt like a criminal especially since one of the people I visit with every morning is a high school girl. She got quite a kick out of seeing me get stopped. Not exactly setting a good example.

It is amazing how you get to be friends with people you meet on the bus. I have also gotten acquainted with an older women in her seventies who goes to the gym and then to her job at McDonald's. We get off at the same stop and always stop for a couple of seconds to complain about the surly bus driver. Then in the afternoon I visit with an Asian women who works in an accounting firm next to my work. And of course riding the bus gives me such an opportunity to people watch.

One afternoon a young man got on the bus with a huge garbage bag of stuff. He looked a little off so I tried not to make eye contact and continued to read my book. All of a sudden he turned on his radio and with total abandonment started singing 60's songs. At first I was a little irritated but then I saw the joy on his face and I realized he may be considered developmentally delayed but he knew every word to each song he sang. It was a valuable lesson on not being so quick to judge people.

I was at the coffee shop one morning having coffee before work when all of a sudden I thought I heard the police over the mega phone and thought they had decided to come give me that ticket. I looked out the window and saw they were filming an episode of Saving Grace. And I finally saw a celebrity. Saving Grace is on TNT although I don't watch it I recognized the star Holly Hunter sitting right across the street. So the small town girl from Dundee finally got to see a star!

We are on the baby countdown. Michelle is at the miserable stage. I told Mikey this is the point that he is to say yes mam, no mam to every thing she says. It wouldn't hurt to salute too. Otherwise she may grab him around the neck and strangle him. You just don't mess with a 8 month pregnant women.

Will keep you all advised

Love to you and yours,


Anonymous said...

carol...."the ma barker of burbank" yer back back...they are out to git ya, jay-walker.
must be getting pretty exciting with the new granbaby less than a month away! see...the bus-riding social life lives on. i used to really enjoy my bus days.
mary etta

JO said...

Hi Carol: About time you wrote in your blog! I have missed hearing about your adventures and how you are doing. Sounds like life is good for you. Not much happening here and I will write in my blog on Thurs. after I attend a service for the husband of one of my best friends. Makes you realize just how precious life is. Enjoy your sunshine and no more jay-walking! Love, JO

Anonymous said...

I love the part that the police were on the loud speaker, what a hoot and it could only happen to a small town girl from Dundee, we miss you in Oregon, bring the stars with you.
