Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cookie Cookie Lend Me Your Tort

Last Saturday I went over and interviewed with the lady who had a room for rent. She is simply delightful and I know I am going to enjoy living in her home. She has three puppies (really old dogs) but I call them puppies to boost their ego. They will keep me from missing Maddie so much. Diane asked me over for dinner on Tuesday to meet the other roommate who may or may not be moving to Oregon. When I got there at 7 Diane asked me if I had someone drop off a fruit tort. It seems a young girl came to the door at 6 asking if she was Diane and if so Cookie was sending a tort and would be over at 7. She then shoved a bakery box at Diane and scooted off. Diane knew my daughter-in-law was six months pregnant and this girl was skinny as a rail. She thought maybe my nickname was cookie i.e. Mrs. Fields Cookies. It was all a great mystery and the tort was delicious even though we joked around about Diane needing to take the first bite. Diane's best friend also came over for dinner and the four of us had a wonderful time laughing, drinking wine and talking around the dinner table for several hours. It made me realize how much I missed my friends and our girl talk.

Celebrity Watch of the Week: Diane's friend was mentioning her husband was going to go out of town to sound film a movie. It seems Clint will only have him doing the sound. That is in Clint Eastwood. I sort of have an out of body experience when people mention stars in their personal conversations. I forget this is Hollywood...dadadadada Hollywood.

Mike, Mitchell and Maddie went to the mountains this weekend so I have had the house to myself. I spent Saturday driving around Burbank resale shops, getting lost, somehow driving by the Los Angeles Zoo and Gene Autry museum. Wonder if a stuffed Trigger was inside or is that Roy Rogers. I finally clicked my heels twice and repeated I want to go home and found my self back in Burbank.

The more I see of Burbank the better I like it. The homes here are very different. Many of the older homes have small apartments behind that they rent out. And the architecture is amazing. You see Spanish and Italian style home reminiscent of villas in Spain or Italy. And other homes look like cottages should be near a bog in Ireland. It all makes Burbank a charming small town and doesn't compare to Los Angeles itself. There is virtually no crime so if one has to live in California I think this is the place to live. But there is a price to pay for that security.

Every morning when I get up and stumble out to the kitchen to make coffee I hear the singing of birds. It is so diffent then Oregon birds. One of these days I am going to get a California bird book and try to figure out which bird are serenading me in the mornings. It is quite lovely. It almost has a tropical sound to it. What I really need is a book that has point and play. I point to a picture and it plays the sound of the bird. Wonder if they have them.

Well I must go and turn the heat on as it is quite chilly this morning. About 60 degrees.

Love to you and yours


Anonymous said... post....sounds like you are settling in well. diane and friends sound like a great connection for you. maybe clint sent the tort?
mary etta

DebbieMurray said...

Morning Aunt Carol,
It was great to read your stories, very vivid , I can imagine being there. I hope that you get to move in with Diane, she sounds like a great roomate for you.

Take Care,

JO said...

Hi Carol: Sounds like things are going well. Diane sounds great. Your story brought back memories of us gals sitting around and talking about everything and anything. If you get to Oregon one of these days, lets get together Sandy's! Love her new house. Keep on bloggin'. Love, JO