Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sun Shine Sun Shine Sun Shine Phoey!!!

Another week in sunnyville... Nothing too exciting has happened this week in Burbank. The writer's stike is over and I know they are glad to get back to work. I have met several spouses of the writers and they told me they have been feeling the economic crunch. Especially the younger writers with college debts to pay off. On the selfish side I miss my fav shows so will be glad when they are back in production.

I am still loving my job. I think I feel so comfortable at Aramark because it is a large corporation like Xerox.

I am always surprised at how different some of the people are here. I overheard one of the girls complaining about her car payment of $675. a month. Yikes! The cost of living is tremendous here and I certainly haven't figured out just how people survive. Appearances are very important in California. Tummy tucks, liposuction and $800 purses are the norm. If you can't afford to buy a name purse you rent them. Since I am not very motivated to loose weight I wonder if they could just install a couple of zippers on me and suck out the fat every once in a while. It does surprise me that so many people smoke here. As concerned as they are about health and appearances smoking seems to be very much in vogue. Along with the cost of everything else I wonder how they can afford the cost of cigarettes.

Michelle is looking very pregnant although she still has until June 10th. According to the doctor her pregnancy is going very well. They know it is a girl so they are buying pink and trying to come up with a name. Of course I am delighted to have another granddaughter on the way. When they do the ultrasounds they give you a CD so I have had the pleasure of watching her swim around flailing her little arms and legs. It was quite entertaining so watch her kick off from the sides of uterous wall. Both Mike and Michelle were athletes so I am sure this little girl will kick, pass, hit or throw a ball quite well. She and Mikey are very excited. It is going to be very interesting to see how Maddie is going to accept the baby. Maddie is very much the house princess puppie so we are all wondering how she is going to accept competition.

I am sure you have all been watching the election. It has been very interesting and I wonder who will run as VP with Clinton or Obama. I can't see either one of them considering runing as the VP so I wonder if it will be Edwards.

The local PBS stations runs hour long episodes of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson show. I remember once thinking David and Ricky were so dishy. Now I see them as cute kids looking so dapper in their suits and sweater jackets with ties worn all the time. It is fun to watch that hour of Ozzie and Harriet to set the tone for my Sunday evening.

Well I certainly don't have any intesting news. Miss you all

1 comment:

JO said...

Hi Carol: Mary Etta emailed to let me know about your blog. My daughter and girlfriend also have blogs and I enjoy reading them. I need to start one myself some day. I have enjoyed reading yours and finding out what you have been up to. Your job sounds great. I'll continue to check your blog. Keep posting. You are an awesome writer. I am doing great. My cancer is in remission right now so I am feeling very blessed. I will have another CAT scan in April. Enjoy your nice weather.
Love, JO