Monday, February 15, 2010

What's Wrong With The United States

I agree with Byahs. There is something wrong with the United States government? Is it the American public or the ego-maniac politicians we elect. We are so divided as a nation that our elected officials can't accomplish anything. We are spending resources just to point fingers of blame, until we have forgotten what our nation needs.

We have forgotten how to work together and they have forgotten how to work. Politicians need to stop working for their party, and start working for the American public.

I have the perfect solution. Eliminate both political parties, do away with congress and the legislature. Send them all home. I think the White House would make a wonderful woman's shelter. Fill the Pentagon with day care and senior citizen centers and the rest can be made into affordable housing.

When a decision needs to be made ask the American public what they want. Have an election and I don't mean electoral votes, every vote counts. Which ever issue gets the most votes wins. Pay an accounting firm to count the votes, a few soccer Moms(and no I don't mean Palin) to disseminate the information and we are good to go until the next need for an election.

It is the KISS premise, keep it simple stupid. This would work on a state level too. Get rid of the pork bellies. This would eliminate the ego-maniacal politicians, the insidious political driven emails from both my Republican and Democratic friends.

We don't need elected officials, we would save money, we wouldn't have to read about their adulteress affairs and they could all go back to their home states to run a muck on their own dime.

All those in favor cast their vote.

Love to you and yours,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

carol!.......stop the nonsense. the culprit is the corporate main stream media, for god's sake!
the bias is so apparent. when the facts arn't facts they are salacious falsehoods, that are designed to stir up controversy then, you get what we have now.
get the money out of elections and take the control away from the corpoations. remember....divided we fall. that is how it works. it's by design. we do not need to dismantle america to solve this!
your ever faithful friend M.E.