Sunday, November 16, 2008


Fortunately we are far enough from the fires that we are in no danger but the air quality is horrible. I have not been able to walk for two days now. I learned after the last fire that was at the studio where old film was burned that you have to stay inside and run the air conditioner to avoid smoke inhalation. If you all remember I ended out in the hospital over night getting inhalation therapy for my asthma.

Yesterday I was driving to my dentist and could see the smoke billowing over the hills. So many people have lost their home and apartments. Of course most people who had homes had insurance but most people don't have renters insurance and will out of luck. Landlords only replace the building not the renter's personal contents. If only California could get some good old Oregon rain.

We did have a week of cloudy rainy days and if you can believe it or not I missed the sunshine. Pray that I am not turning into a Californian. I guess I better get my Birkenstocks out and wear them for a few days to remind myself that I AM AN OREGONIAN!

I haven't done much for the past few weeks. I have spent quite a bit of time at Mike and Michelle's playing with Brooklyn who now LOVES her Nana. In fact I am going over for lunch in a bit. Brooklyn is just so adorable. Her latest is watching Maddie and giggling at her. It is the cutest. Because she is using her hands so much when Maddie reaches down Brooklyn pokes her in the eyes and pulls on the skin on her face and Maddie just licks her.

Mike, Michelle, Brooklyn and I are driving up the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to spend the day with Isaac and family. I hope that Andy is flying in too. We will have to drive back Thanksgiving evening but at least we will be together for Thanksgiving. Christmas Mike, Michelle and Brooklyn are flying home to Minnesota to spend a week with the her family and I know her family can hardly wait to see Brooklyn. I will have to work the day after Christmas so I will spend Christmas here with Diane's family. It will be a big Italian Christmas which will include singing around the piano. I think it will be a lot of fun.

Halloween at Aramark was an event. Most people dressed up and they put so much pressure on me to dress up the night before Halloween I scrambled to get a costume. I stopped at Rite-Aid and wandered around looking for inspiration when I spotted a package of the small individual packs of cereal and got inspired. I took the boxes and used tape and stuck them on a shirt with plastic knives sticking out of them and dripped red on a the shirt and said I was a cereal killer. I didn't win any prizes but got a lot of laughs. Of course being so close to Hollywood there were amazing costumes but hey anyone can dress as Moses. It was great fun and I have put on my think cap for next year. Any suggestions?

I am still trying to figure out Senior Dating. Last night I was IM one fellow, emailing another and texting yet another all at the same time. It was hilarious and I realized I didn't care if I met any of them. It was just great fun flirting with them. More on this subject later.

Have to run to rescue Brooklyn from her parents so we can have some fun.

Love to you and yours,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...! great weight loss! keep up the good work.
sorry about the air quality...sure is sad about the fires. looks like dave is starting to get class reunion stuff started in january. you will be thin as a rail by then. sounds like you have your holidays under control keep bloggin....
mary etta