Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kokaroo Kokaroo

I had a wonderful time with Jaclyn and Abyah this weekend. I started my journey to Sacramento about 9:30 Friday morning. And of course I started my day with the usual “Carol experience”. To get on the freeway I had to drive by my work and who should be prancing down the sidewalk but "Mr. Emergency Man" wearing his yellow emergency vest. Apparently they had a fire drill and had to evacuate the building. Of course no one from my team was with him. As planned after our experience during the earthquake everyone left the building without his assistance. Anyway that was my last image before I got on the freeway….the yellow emergency vest. At least I think he had it on right this time instead of backwards.

Sacramento is 400 miles and after the “grapevine” it is smooth sailing. I really looked forward to the alone time and took several books on tape. The first one I listened to lasted all the way to and about an hour on the return trip. I highly recommend Pat Conroy’s Beach Music. His lyrical words kept me intrigued. The book is about a man and his life with 4 brothers growing up in South Carolina. So it brought back memories of my three years in the South. Books on tape are far more entertaining and relaxing then TV. You are being read a story and you use your imagination to picture it in your mind. It is the only way to travel. Surprisingly it doesn't distract you from driving either.

I arrived in Sacramento around five and of course the first thing we did was go out for pizza. And then I spent the rest of the evening snuggling with the girls and visiting with Jenny and Isaac. They moved to Cameron Park several months ago and it is a great improvement from Sacramento. Jenny's Mom lives just down the street and her sister is about a mile away. Saturday I woke up to the great smell of one of Isaac's delicious breakfasts. He is a wonderful cook. Then we went to a few garage sales before hitting the mall to school shop for the girls. It was so much fun being with them. After a shop til you drop day we went home and played video games. I was getting quite good when I was in Sacramento before and found I hadn't totally lost my skill. I won one game but I really think Jac let me win.

The next morning after a tearful goodbye I started back to Burbank. The land is quite hot and arid and when I stopped for gas (which you have to pump yourself --- yuk!) I saw it was 109 degrees. When I got back in the car I cranked up the air condition. That is way to hot for an Oregon gal! I arrived back in Burbank just in time to go to bed to get up in the morning and go to work. I plan on going back to spend a few days with the girls for Abyah's birthday in November.

And just when you think life can't get any better I spent last evening taking care of Brooklyn who gets cuter each time I see her. Her father has nicknamed her Kooky because she makes the cutest sounds. It is almost sounds like she is saying kokaroo kokaroo. Now when she starts to cry her bottom lip comes out and quivers and it is so cute. She is such a sweet disposition. I hope they have another one soon. You can never have enough grandchildren!

I miss you all and would love a visit.

Love to you and yours,


Anonymous said...

what a wonderful way to spend your weekend, carol. you are a good nana. glad you had a safe trip and everything worked out. november will make a nice break again, too. how about that "kook" safety guy? the first rule of safety is "every sane man for himself"...whatever you do, over-ride any temptation to follow his direction....he needs some help himslf.
good post on your trip,
mary etta

JO said...

Hi Carol:

It was fun reading about your trip. Sure sounded like you had a wonderful time with your kids and grandkids. And to top it off, you got to spend time with Brooklyn when you got home. What a terrific weekend you had.

Today I am headed to Newberg to "walk the streets" with my mom, two brothers and sister. We will reminisce about the "good old days." They are here for a family reunion.

Hey, I love the picture of you on your blog. Very nice lookin' gal!

Love, JO

Anonymous said...

Carol, I was just catching up on your blog and had to read the post just after Brooklyn’s appearance regarding buying her the first Barbie? I remember when we were still awaiting Jac's debut and you swore up and down you'd never allow your grandchildren to play with Barbie’s! Turns out Nana wasn't so tough when little Jac and Bubba were asking for Mermaid Barbie or Ballerina Barbie.

Brooklyn - Jac and Bubba have done their best to break Nana in for you, the rest is up to you!!!