Sunday, May 18, 2008

Drinkin Wiine, Spo-Dee-O-Dee, Drinkin Wine

That is actually the title of a Sticks McGhee song sung around 1947. It should have been sung last night at a wine tasting event at our house. One of Diane's co-workers started a girls wine tasting club to meet once a month. So we hosted the kick off event last night in the back yard. Each person either brings wine or something to munch on. We tried to come up with a name but tabled it until the next meeting. One of the gals suggested the name Luscious Ladies. I thought wino's was a fitting name. Of course I was veto'd. I wasn't looking forward to it but I had a lot of fun. They are a diverse group of ladies and fortunately there were a couple of other women who were not knowledgeable about wine. After tasting a bunch of different wines I still don't care for wine but shhhhh don't tell the wine women or I will be banned.

It is very warm here about 92 degrees but I heard Oregon is having a heat wave too. It is lovely but very warm. Thank God for air conditioning.

I went shopping for the new baby and found a swing and several adorable pink outfits. It is so much fun shopping for baby girls. The swing is such a necessary item especially for a fussy baby. Mikey was very fussy so I told them to never run out of batteries.

My friend Steve and his partner are coming down to LA for Memorial weekend and I look forward to seeing them. I met Steve when I worked for Xerox. When he was hired his cube was next to mine and we had low walls. I kept looking over at him thinking I had seen him somewhere. I finally got it. He was featured on AM Northwest when the oldest son from the Brady Bunch came to town. Someone had called the show and told them about Steve's Brady Bunch collection. They unexpectedly rang his door bell and when he opened it there was Greg from the Brady Bunch. It was a pretty funny show as here were two grown men ogling all the trinkets Steve had collected. He was the one who initiated me to EBay.

Love to you and yours,

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pink Martini Concert

I just have to share my experience at the Pink Martini concert. Michelle decided she felt too pregnant to go so Mikey went with me complaining all the way. We stopped for dinner next to The Thousand Oaks Art Center and Mike, being his mother's child, struck up a conversation with another couple who were also going to the concert. In all there were about 8 couple in the restaurant going and Mike was pretty amazed the group is so popular. When we got into the center we struck up a conversation with a couple of guys in line. The son in law to the older gentleman is from Oregonian. His wife came up and she is an OB-GYN from Oregon City. They love Pink Martini and planned their vacation to her Dad's to coincide with the concert.

We had great seat in the second row. We were so close that we could see the sparkle in China Forbes eye shadow. The Oregon City couple sat in the right behind us and when the group came out on stage we started chanting "Oregon Oregon". So of course the band had to ask us where were from in Oregon. It was quite fun.

The band is coming back to Oregon to play 4 benefit concerts at the Crystal Ballroom. If any of you get a chance you should go. They are amazing. Their first song was an old Carmen Miranda song from 1938. Here is their website.
You will not be disappointed. After Portland they go to Canada and then on to Europe where they are extremely popular.

Here is an excerpt from their web page that describes their music:

Both China Forbes and I come from multicultural families,” says founder and pianist Thomas M. Lauderdale, “and all of us in the band have studied different languages and music from different parts of the world. So inevitably, because everyone in the band contributes in the writing and arranging of songs, the repertoire is wildly diverse. At one moment, you feel like you’re in the middle of a samba parade in Rio de Janeiro, and in the next moment, you are suddenly in a French music hall of the 1930s

Mike conceded it was the best concert he has ever been attended. And way better then the last concert he and I went to.....Journey. I got tickets from Xerox and we sat in the skybox. Peter Frampton opened for Journey which is who I wanted to see. He and his talking guitar! But Pink Martini is absolutely wonderful and worth every penny.

On the way home Mike said he was totally amazed at how good this group is and the best part is they are from Portland. He even said I was pretty hip. Or maybe he said I was a hippie or had big hips. Anyway we had a ball and it was nice to have alone time with my son.

Let me know if you do go to the Crystal Ballroom and what you think.

Another website that you can check them out on is NPR

Love to all

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saving Grace and Planting Basil

First off, planting soil has a heavy smell of cow manure so right now three dogs think I smell heavenly. Diane and I have been busy planting tomatoes, basil and other herbs. Not knowing the planting season in California I called a nursery that specialises in tomatoes to ask if it was too early to plant tomatoes. His response was, " haven't planted them yet?" So we spent Sunday morning planting. With all the sun they should do real well. But I smell like cow manure.

Last week I was rushing to my bus stop as I thought I was running a little late. The light was red on the main street I needed to cross but there were no cars coming so I thought I would scoot across the street to get to stop. All of a sudden, out of nowhere came a the Burbank police car with their lights flashing and their loud speaker blaring, "DO NOT CROSS THE STREET ON A RED LIGHT". I couldn't believe I was getting busted while walking!!! Fortunately I did the blonde old Oregonian Grandma routine and he didn't give me as $80.00 ticket. And I didn't miss my bus but I was very embarrassed. I felt like a criminal especially since one of the people I visit with every morning is a high school girl. She got quite a kick out of seeing me get stopped. Not exactly setting a good example.

It is amazing how you get to be friends with people you meet on the bus. I have also gotten acquainted with an older women in her seventies who goes to the gym and then to her job at McDonald's. We get off at the same stop and always stop for a couple of seconds to complain about the surly bus driver. Then in the afternoon I visit with an Asian women who works in an accounting firm next to my work. And of course riding the bus gives me such an opportunity to people watch.

One afternoon a young man got on the bus with a huge garbage bag of stuff. He looked a little off so I tried not to make eye contact and continued to read my book. All of a sudden he turned on his radio and with total abandonment started singing 60's songs. At first I was a little irritated but then I saw the joy on his face and I realized he may be considered developmentally delayed but he knew every word to each song he sang. It was a valuable lesson on not being so quick to judge people.

I was at the coffee shop one morning having coffee before work when all of a sudden I thought I heard the police over the mega phone and thought they had decided to come give me that ticket. I looked out the window and saw they were filming an episode of Saving Grace. And I finally saw a celebrity. Saving Grace is on TNT although I don't watch it I recognized the star Holly Hunter sitting right across the street. So the small town girl from Dundee finally got to see a star!

We are on the baby countdown. Michelle is at the miserable stage. I told Mikey this is the point that he is to say yes mam, no mam to every thing she says. It wouldn't hurt to salute too. Otherwise she may grab him around the neck and strangle him. You just don't mess with a 8 month pregnant women.

Will keep you all advised

Love to you and yours,