Sunday, March 30, 2008

It Is Still A Small Small World

As you all know I work at Aramark Services in the uniform division which rents uniforms, towels, table linens and mops. A lot of our business is from restaurants. Last week I was covering the phones for someone on vacation when a lady called wanting to purchase some table linens for her catering business. When I asked for her phone she said 503 and I thought hum......then she said 538 and I thought what??? I asked for her name and when she said Sharon Wilhite I asked her if she remembered Carol Brown class of 64. She did and we both laughed at what a small world we live in. So if anyone needs catering call Sharon. She lives in Dundee.

Well I am all moved in. My roommate is just delightful and I really think I will enjoy living here. Her three dogs seem to like me so all is good. And I am sure Mike and Michelle were celebrating last night that the old hag was gone!!! At least Maddie, the puppy, will miss me.

Jo, this is for you!! You have been such an inspiration to me with your determination that in a moment of madness I signed up for the Revlon 5K Walk/Run for Breast Cancer Research. I can barely walk 3 blocks without huffing and puffing but I am determined that on May 10th I will complete that 5K walk. I start training today. There is a bike path in front of the house so each day I plan on increasing the length of of my walk. Heck maybe next year instead of walking I can run. That will be nothing short of a miracle. And since I have posted this goal in my blog I think it will to hold me accountable. Will keep you all posted.

Love to you and yours,

Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's A Small Small World

This has been a most uneventful week in Burbank. A new gal started at work and just to show you it is a small, small world she told me her mother grew up in Canby Minnesota. Which is the home of Michelle, Mike's wife. Canby is a small town of about 1500 people so the odds of meeting someone from Canby are slim to none. It reminded me of when years and years ago we lived in Panama and someone asked me where I was from. When I told them Dundee Oregon they chuckled and said "Oh, the speed trap of Oregon".

When I grew up in Dundee there was a state policeman that lived there and he was legendary in stopping people. After he moved away Marilyn Lenhart's Dad would park across the street from the Dundee Grade School in his red City of Dundee truck in the mornings and afternoon. He couldn't write tickets but I don't think most drivers realized it so they automatically would slow down, keeping the city of Dundee's children safe when they walked to and from school.

I want to wish Happy Easter to all my friends. I hope you are eating lots of chocolate Easter Bunnies!!!

Love to you and yours,

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cookie Cookie Lend Me Your Tort

Last Saturday I went over and interviewed with the lady who had a room for rent. She is simply delightful and I know I am going to enjoy living in her home. She has three puppies (really old dogs) but I call them puppies to boost their ego. They will keep me from missing Maddie so much. Diane asked me over for dinner on Tuesday to meet the other roommate who may or may not be moving to Oregon. When I got there at 7 Diane asked me if I had someone drop off a fruit tort. It seems a young girl came to the door at 6 asking if she was Diane and if so Cookie was sending a tort and would be over at 7. She then shoved a bakery box at Diane and scooted off. Diane knew my daughter-in-law was six months pregnant and this girl was skinny as a rail. She thought maybe my nickname was cookie i.e. Mrs. Fields Cookies. It was all a great mystery and the tort was delicious even though we joked around about Diane needing to take the first bite. Diane's best friend also came over for dinner and the four of us had a wonderful time laughing, drinking wine and talking around the dinner table for several hours. It made me realize how much I missed my friends and our girl talk.

Celebrity Watch of the Week: Diane's friend was mentioning her husband was going to go out of town to sound film a movie. It seems Clint will only have him doing the sound. That is in Clint Eastwood. I sort of have an out of body experience when people mention stars in their personal conversations. I forget this is Hollywood...dadadadada Hollywood.

Mike, Mitchell and Maddie went to the mountains this weekend so I have had the house to myself. I spent Saturday driving around Burbank resale shops, getting lost, somehow driving by the Los Angeles Zoo and Gene Autry museum. Wonder if a stuffed Trigger was inside or is that Roy Rogers. I finally clicked my heels twice and repeated I want to go home and found my self back in Burbank.

The more I see of Burbank the better I like it. The homes here are very different. Many of the older homes have small apartments behind that they rent out. And the architecture is amazing. You see Spanish and Italian style home reminiscent of villas in Spain or Italy. And other homes look like cottages should be near a bog in Ireland. It all makes Burbank a charming small town and doesn't compare to Los Angeles itself. There is virtually no crime so if one has to live in California I think this is the place to live. But there is a price to pay for that security.

Every morning when I get up and stumble out to the kitchen to make coffee I hear the singing of birds. It is so diffent then Oregon birds. One of these days I am going to get a California bird book and try to figure out which bird are serenading me in the mornings. It is quite lovely. It almost has a tropical sound to it. What I really need is a book that has point and play. I point to a picture and it plays the sound of the bird. Wonder if they have them.

Well I must go and turn the heat on as it is quite chilly this morning. About 60 degrees.

Love to you and yours

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Every day on my way to and from work I pass a high-toned hair and nail salon and a psychic fortuneteller. Sandwiched in between the two shops is a Colonic Hydro Therapy business. As if the idea of getting your nails and hair done plus finding out what your future will bring is not enough you can get colon hydro therapy. Their advertising just kills me every time I pass. In their big picture window are curvy tubes with bubbles going up and down them much like the old fashioned Christmas lights that bubbled.

I guess I am just not sure in what order you should be doing it all. Do you get your hair and nails done then your colon, finishing with the psychic? I just can't imagine going to have colon hydro therapy on a busy street in down town Burbank. It just seems so public. Who does that anyway? Fortunately I haven't met anyone who has shared that they regulary get their colon cleansed in a store front.

This past week has been beautiful. Very sunny and about 75 degrees. I am wearing sandal and summer clothes to work and I noticed in the elevator that everyone else had their winter shoes and coats on. I guess I was jumping the gun but it feels like summer to me. And anything over 70 degrees is sandal weather. Also since I am from Oregon my fellow co-workers give me a fashion break. They are still laughing about me walking in the rain without an umbrella. Distainfully, I told them Oregonian's don't own umbrellas. And that possibly we would hold a newspaper over our heads if we had to walk more then six blocks in the rain. I didn't tell them about the galoshes. Somehow I suspect they would be horrified.

On the celebrity watch, Michelle went to lunch in some chichi restaurant in Hollywood with her Naptser co-workers and saw Larry King having lunch at the next table. It is such the norm here to see celebrities.

I am going to see a lady tomorrow who is renting a bed and bath in her home in Burbank. She is around my age and has a roommate who is moving to Oregon. She is looking for someone quiet and mature and was very excited when I answered her ad on Craigslist. I will let you all know how that turns out. We talked on the phone and exchanged emails and seemed to hit it off. She has three dogs so I won't miss Maddie so much.

Michelle and Mikey's pregnancy is going very well so we will have a girl this June. I can't wait.

Speaking of grandchildren I am always amazed at the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. What would shock and displease us in our children is just darling in our grandchildren. I was talking on the phone to Abyah who was in the car with Isaac, Jenny and Jaclyn. She was so sweet telling me all about school in this little soft genteel voice when she "farted" and broke out in a cackling laugh while everyone in the car groaned and rolled down the windows.

It is so good to read everyones comments to my blog.

Love and Miss you all
Until we meet again