Thursday, October 16, 2008

Internet Dating

There has been absolutely nothing exciting happening in Burbank for the last couple of weeks. I house sat for Mike and Michelle and little Brooklyn when they went up to Oregon to visit their friends and introduce Brooklyn to her Uncle Andy. Who by the way has lost 100 pounds. Isn't that amazing. He looks great. So while they were gone I took care of their house and Maddie. Maddie went with me on my early morning walks and I tried to teach her to heel. I read up on it on the Internet and I think I would have been successful if her leash hadn't broken. I had to buy one from Rite-Aid so I could take her out at lunch and it was way too short. It worked in an emergency. She is such a smart dog. On one of the mornings I met this older gentleman on the bike path and I rained Maddie in so she wouldn't jump on him and lick him to death. He was carrying a golf club and raised it and said keep her away from him. I was so startled I didn't respond. She couldn't have reached him but I knew he was deathly afraid of dogs. I should have called the police but I told my roommate instead and she and all the dog people who are out when walks confronted him and told him the next time he walked with a weapon they would call the police. In fact she did call the police and they told her if he was out again with the golf club to immediately call 911. Well I guess he knows not to screw with Maddie and I again. All the dog people of Burbank are watching for him.

I am considering starting another blog. This one about the world of dating when you are a senior citizen. I haven't done much dating since my divorce in 1983. And for some odd reason I decided I want to date again. I must be a glutton for punishment or mentally deranged. So I actually had my first date. We had emailed and spoken on the phone for two or three weeks until I felt comfortable meeting him. It turned out he was so nice and we had the best time. We both acknowledged we felt very comfortable with each other like we had been friends for a long time. After our first date I heard from him a couple of times and then nothing. I have no idea what happened but apparently he didn't have as much fun as I thought. I was a bit disappointed but as the saying goes "one monkey doesn't stop the show".

Not to be discouraged I registered on a dating web site and that has been hilarious. You would think that men in their sixties would be different from boys in their teens. But they are not any different at 66 then they are at 16. They still bring up sex in their first emails. One guy from the Midwest wrote this long email without one single period and every other word was misspelled. And he was willing to re-locate. Lucky me.

Another fellow went so far as to leave me pathetically,what he considered to be erotic emails. I emailed him back that I thought that there might be 800 numbers he could call for that sort of thing.

Of course you have to be careful about this Internet dating but since I am basically untraceable and I use precautions I don't have serious concerns. You control how much they know about you. So we shall see where this takes me. Of course my first priority is taking care of myself so it will have to be a prince charming for me to give up my independence.

I will keep you all informed about my lovelife or lack there of.

Love to your and yours,

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Here are two of my little girls. Abyah is on the track team at her grade school and had her first competition. I wish I could have been there. She is so long and leggy and is a great runner. She reminds me of Sara Hill with her blond hair flipping as she runs like a gazelle. And Jaclyn is the encouraging big sister who met her at the finish line. I am so proud of both of them.
I have started walking this week. Since I don't seem to be able to sleep past 2:30 or 3:30 I decided rather then toss and turn I would get up, put on my walking shoes and hit the bike path that runs in front of our house. So there I am at 4 in the morning huffing and puffing but I am up to two miles and am quite proud of myself. I have lost 5 pounds doing it this week. Too bad I only have 95 more to go. My goal is to be able to walk to and from work. It is about 3 miles and during the winter weather once I have built up my stamina it should get me in shape. I had forgotten how good you feel when you exercise. And it shows. Everyone at work has noticed a change in me. They say I am glowing. Personally I think I have been exposed to some random chemical here in California, maybe radiation.
I went to the bank yesterday and the teller told me I looked so good in my beige blouse, that it was my color. Then I went to the bus stop and this old guy had his eye on me. I hugged my purse tighter but then he sat next to me on the bus and tried to strike up a conversation. I wasn't too worried because I knew I could "take him" as he was just a "spindly dude" as the boys used to say. To bad he was speaking Armenian and I didn't understand a word he was saying. I kept smiling and nodding and wondering if I was selling my first born for a goat. He didn't follow me off the bus but I had my eye on him. After years of experience of riding the buses in Peru and having to defend my body against groping hands I know how to deflect unwanted fingers!
This weekend is cloudy and it is suppose to rain, an Oregon day and I love it although I wanted to go to Griffin Observatory to star gaze on Saturday night. Maybe next weekend. My friend Stevie who grew up in LA but lives in Oregon told me about it and I goggled it and it looks really nice. So it is on my list of must see. In Oregon we seldom have clear days so star gazing hasn't been on my list.
Diane's son Danny came up from San Francisco for the week-end and spent the night here. Diane cooked lamb with prunes and apple sauce and spinach on a bed of pasta and it was divine. I went to bed and fell asleep to their laughing and talking and actually slept until 7:30 this morning. It is a wonderful thing when our children become adults and we can have grown up conversations with them.
I am hoping to go to Mike and Michelle's today to see little Brooklyn and watch the duck's game. I saw her once this week and wish I could see her every day. Babies change so quickly at this age. Mike and Michelle are so good with her. And boy does she love her Mom and Dad. She just watches them when I am holding her. She wants to make sure she doesn't get left with her evil Nana. I am totally going to enjoy teasing her about this when she is older. For those of you who don't have their web site here it is. Michelle keeps it updated with new pictures of "little Brooklyn like the Bridge".
Love to you and yours,