Sunday, July 6, 2008

Three Of A Kind

This week has been pretty routine. Nothing too exciting happened unless you count the man at the grocery store who thought he should tell me a racially distasteful joke. At first I didn't get it and stood there wondering why he told me a joke. Then it was like getting hit by a 2x4. I was stunned. I told him that it was disgusting joke and he said that it was okey for him to tell this type of joke as he lost someone in the Holocaust.............a guard. I had so much more to say but he was pretty big and seedy looking so I just left. I thought, here we are celebrating the 4th of July and we have so much work to do as a Nation. I doubt I will see those changes in my lifetime but I hope my granddaughters see it.

I don't know why crazy people come up to me and say such weird things. But if there is a strange person around they will always come up to me. It has been the bane of my existance. But the guy in the grocery store is worse then a crazy person. He is hateful and evil and scary.

Twice this week I reconnected with someone from my past. First I got an email from my friend Steve who said he worked with a women for two years at his current job and finally realized she previously worked at Tekronix. In fact, she trained me for my first position in the Service dept. and I had not talked to her for probably 12 or 13 years. Unfortunately she did not make it through one of our layoffs. Steve gave her my email address and I look forward to hearing from her. Then Mary Etta connected with Larry Knudson from class of 64 and she gave him my email and I received a very an email from him. I responded and look forward to hearing back from him. It sounds like he is a traveling man. He really isn't too far away and I told him if he had time to stop by for a visit. These two connections along with another connection from a girl I knew from about 31 years ago make it three people I have reconnected to on the past month. It is so good to talk to friends from high school. Most of us went to school from grade school through high school so we know the best and the worst and still care about each other. It is a wonderful thing.

I spent several hours with Brooklyn today. She is now three weeks old and is just adorable. She
smiles when you coo to her. I know people say it is gas but she is smiling. She is very sociable and loves to be held. Her hair stands straight up and looks like a mohawk. So she look likes a little punk rocker. She will have curly hair I think but it is really too soon to tell.

I am getting really excited about going to Sacramento to see Jac and Bubba next month. I told Isaac and Jenny they just need to drop them off at my hotel Wednesday night and come back to take me to the airport on Sunday. It is going to be one long pizza slumber party!!!

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July.

Love to you and yours,